My Problem:
I am bloated. Feels and looks like like I'm retaining gas or water (not sure which) and I can't fit into ANY of my clothes! Not to mention, I don't have any regular bowel movements. It's strange-- for example: I don't go for 3 or 4 days and then all of a sudden my body has this terrible craving for very high fat/ very high carb and very dense food in very high quantities. Then, the next day I am in that bathroom getting rid of ALL the waste that has been held in for the past 3 days! I'm guessing those food cravings are from my body trying to force a stomach ache so that things will be that the case?
My current lifestyle:
I am drinking way over 8 glasses of H2O a day....I use Stevia as a sugar replacement bc its supposed to have probiotic effects and I eat a lot of fiber. I do not exercise, but will after my MCAT passes (bc I'm trying to study and sleep well, no time for exercising for 2 more weeks!!), and I drink coffee bc I've been drinking it my whole life and it helps give me a boost in the morning and is supposed to help with bowel movements. I eat regularly and usually will have a pasta/rice based dinner with a protein and a couple veggies. I will typically have an apple or banana during the day at some point, have protein shakes (bc they are cheap and easy to make and I dont have time to really prepare food for the day time). I eat when I'm hungry and don't eat when I'm not....I'm not counting calories or anything crazy like that. I'm 118 lbs and 21 yrs old.
Whats goin on???