
Confused about Bowel Movement Issues?

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My Problem:

I am bloated. Feels and looks like like I'm retaining gas or water (not sure which) and I can't fit into ANY of my clothes! Not to mention, I don't have any regular bowel movements. It's strange-- for example: I don't go for 3 or 4 days and then all of a sudden my body has this terrible craving for very high fat/ very high carb and very dense food in very high quantities. Then, the next day I am in that bathroom getting rid of ALL the waste that has been held in for the past 3 days! I'm guessing those food cravings are from my body trying to force a stomach ache so that things will be that the case?

My current lifestyle:

I am drinking way over 8 glasses of H2O a day....I use Stevia as a sugar replacement bc its supposed to have probiotic effects and I eat a lot of fiber. I do not exercise, but will after my MCAT passes (bc I'm trying to study and sleep well, no time for exercising for 2 more weeks!!), and I drink coffee bc I've been drinking it my whole life and it helps give me a boost in the morning and is supposed to help with bowel movements. I eat regularly and usually will have a pasta/rice based dinner with a protein and a couple veggies. I will typically have an apple or banana during the day at some point, have protein shakes (bc they are cheap and easy to make and I dont have time to really prepare food for the day time). I eat when I'm hungry and don't eat when I'm not....I'm not counting calories or anything crazy like that. I'm 118 lbs and 21 yrs old.

Whats goin on???




  1. Whoever told you coffee would help with bowel movements was all wrong.  It is the opposite.  Too much tea and coffee will constipate you. Try eating grapes.  The organic acid in grapes make them a laxative food. Grapes also tone up the stomach and intestines and relieve chronic constipation. You should eat prunes as a snack.  They aren't as bad as some people claim. But the real culprit with your troubles is lack of exercise.  You really must get that tummy moving. This is the best thing for regular bowel movements.  And one more thing.  Apples are good but bananas constipate.  Drink apple juice.

  2. It is time to see a specialist. Your diet is causing the majority of the problems. Exercise is very important. You are probably sitting while studying to much and exercise will help to accelerate your bowel movements and then you should become regular. You did  not mention your height. A possible help would be a couple of capsules of charcoal as needed.

  3. Try drinking a cup or two of green tea every night or take a green tea supplement pill every day.  This will promote a bowel movement, and if you can get regular then this problem will go away.  It happens to the best of us, though.

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