
Confused about a class.?

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if i am taking regular algegra II will in be in a class with juniors?

i am a sophmore in texas.




  1. Um...don't know. I live in Detroit.

  2. I did the same thing and i live in Texas but im taking preAP but i still think your going to be in the classes with Juniors, you'd have more sophmores in your class if you went the Ap way. But i get why you don't. Im starting to doubt that i'll be abble to keep up with it. School starts in on Monday for us. So time will show.

  3. We don't know how your school works. My son is a Sophomore taking Algebra 2 and there are mostly Sophomores in his class because they took Algebra 1 last year. This may not be the way it works at your school.

  4. i think its more likely

    you'll be in class with freshmans

    but im not sure

    cuz i live in california <<3

  5. like u i took geometry my freshman year with sophmores so i will have juniors in my algerbra II but i live in a different state than u so just wait till school starts to find out if u will have juniors in ur class

  6. No,you will be in class with the other accelerated Sophomore's who are also in Algebra II. If you were in Pre-Calculus, you would then be with the accelerated Juniors. They will not put you, an accelerated Sophomore, in class with the non-accelerated Juniors. If they're are no other Sophomore's in Algebra II, which is highly doubt, then you might possibly be in class with Juniors... That will not happen most likely.

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