
Confused about a girl?

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i have been chatting to a girl for a while and we told each other our feelings and we decided to take it slow and not rush anything. this weekend she has gone to blackpool with a friend and when i asked her who it was she said just a friend, i have found out its a boy is she playing me or didn't she tell me because she thought i would go off on one (which i wouldn't) i am confused can anyone help me thanks




  1. she was probably just worried incase you overreacted about it.  

  2. Girls are strange sometimes... She might you to be jealous and "fight" for her, she might prefer the other lad or she might not be sure which of you she prefer... Sorry - that's the best answer I can give, 'cause we girls sometimes act absolutely ridiculous:(

  3. she is a free agent you do not own her just because you talk to her about each others feelings get yourself a life, just like she has.

  4. Well she told you her feelings didn't she? I wouldn't tell a guy I liked him and stuff like that if I didn't... even if I were to play him (which I never would). The friend could just be friend after all! Maybe she doesn't want to be questioned about it if you knows its a boy.

    Don't worry too much... Just hang with your girl friends...

    Its a win win scenario.

    Hope this helps matee.

  5. I have lots of male friends, we go on nights out and away for weekends, doesn't mean I fancy them!  I think she likes you and was just afraid to say she was going away with a male friend, to stop you thinking the worse. She cares but needs to be a bit more mature and realise talking to you is probably the best thing.

  6. Perhaps she didn't tell you because this boy really is just a friend and no threat to your relationship, she obviously feels that you can trust her that she is faithful and that there is no way you could think she was cheating on you because you now know how she feels about you so there is no need to bring it up if there is nothing to worry about. Maybe she feels that if she told you that you would be worried for no reason so it we best to just keep it quiet.

  7. Or it could be just a friend, I have many female friends I do things with but that's all they are, friends. I would never dream of doing anything with one of them that was in a relationship already. But if you are suspicious then you need to see if anything more happens, if nothing does you can dismiss it, if she does it regularly then ask more questions.

  8. gday mate sounds like she didn't want to tell u it was a boy in case u thought anything was going on. hopefully anyway, cos if its this theory then she really likes u and considered ur feelings telling u it was a mate and not "danny" or "sam" etc lol! if its not this case... then.. her loss. but sounds much like she is worried to tell u that this is a boy cos she cares what u think and she doesn't want to lose an opportunity of getting with u... best of luck dude xx
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