
Confused about abortions!! you know the answer???

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well im onli 14 so this has no concern 4 me!.SO DON'T JUDGE ME!.

but my bestfriend is onli a week n a half pregnant! and i was thinking is it to early for her to get one(abortion)!..n plz dnt judge her either !

and if it isnt like how is the precedure done???




  1. Ok sweetheart what your friend should do is go to a women's clinic and ask a doctor what are her options as she is so young (i'm assuming she's around your age) it may be different for her, but usually they can do it as soon as you are pregnant (but don't quote me on that as I'm no expert...a doctor would be best for advice).

    As for the procedure; they give the patient anesthetic and once your under they put a 'pipe-like' machine inside you to basically suck out the fetus, it sounds gruesome and it may be if you are not 100% willing and also prepared.

    Don't be afraid to speak to a confidential counselor before and after. Believe she will need to talk this through and move on with her life whatever  her decisions may be.

    Stay by your friend (she is blessed to have some one who cares so much about her) and help keep her strong because this is going to be a very difficult part of her life.

    All the best :)

  2. she can still take ru-486 it's a pill that will cause expulsion of the fetus the further along she is the more it will cost as well as more hard for her to go trough with it  

  3. It is not too early.  She is early enough where she can have an abortion by taking medication in pill form.  The other way is done by scraping the uterus and draining it.  She should talk to a counselor and a medical professional and decide if that's what she wants to do and how she should do it.  Tell your friend not to feel bad.  People are judgemental but it's her body and her right.  Tell her though that if she doesn't use birth control and condoms that she is being irresponsible and that isn't right.  Best of luck.

  4. no its not too early - the sooner the procedure is done the better & less chances of post op complication

    its done by vacuum or suction to empty the contents of the uterus

    good luck to your bf

  5. No, it's not too early. It can't be too early - in fact, the earlier the better, so get her to get an abortion ASAP. If you wait for the baby to become more developed, full-on surgery becomes necessary.

    I've never underwent a early abortion before (I'm a guy, so...) but I recall reading that there is two methods for early abortions: taking a drug, which will kill the undeveloped baby, liquidise it and make it leak out, or to suck the baby out via tube. Both are simple, quick procedures, so she has nothing to worry about.

  6. First off she would be about six or seven weeks pregnant because you count weeks from your last cycle. One week pregnant would be a few days after your last period. No harm in asking questions?  She really needs to talk to her mother and a clinic that specializes in these things. I can tell you though if they really can't till 21 weeks...... I don't know how anyone could go through with it. I felt my baby at 16 weeks! Not only can I feel him but I got to see him. He has a heart, and all his other little organs. Sure he can't survive outside my belly yet but he is alive. I don't make him move... he moves on his own with his own thought. I would also suggest your friend looking into adoption. Many people can't have kids and would gladly give your friends child a home. Anyway there are more options, look into all of them. Most important have her tell her parents. It will be hard! I know from experience... I am 28 now and had my first when I was a teen. She is now 10 and I would not change having her for anything!

  7. if the plan is abortion, sooner is better. before she turns 6 weeks pregnant there is a possibility of going to the doctor and taking a pill, or a few pills, to abort as opposed to a surgical abortion. i suggest she get her irresponsible tushy in and get that asap...surgical abortions are more traumatizing and there is more possibility of having long term effects.

  8. First of all, how does she know she is a week & a half pregnant? She wouldn't have even missed a period yet & would not likely have any symptoms.

    As far as the procedure: sometimes a medication is given to induce abortion & the other procedure is usually a D&E which means that the Dr. dilates the cervix & suctions out the products of conception (baby, placenta, etc)


  9. Abortion is legal in this country until the day of birth! Many people do not know this. If you tell them, they refuse to believe it. Yet, the fact remains that a woman can legally abort her baby at any time during her pregnancy. The only thing that changes is the method and the cost.

    There are also many different methods including lethal injection and different drugs .

    A horrible way IMO is this:


    In this method, the cervical muscle ring must be paralyzed and stretched open. The abortionist then inserts a hollow plastic tube with a knife-like edge into the uterus. The suction tears the baby’s body into pieces. The placenta is cut from the uterine wall and everything is sucked into a bottle.

  10. The baby is SUCK out, with a vac, and you see and hear EERYTHING, the nurses talking about "is the baby out and clear" you see ALOT of blood, and your treated like s=h=i=t!! You hear the vac sucking out and your tummy feeling ALOT of pressure, and it HURT like h=e=ll you NEVER want to experience it BELEIEVE meeee, it hurt the dil your cervix with a long needle, open you up, and your laying on a table, it like your there but not, they durg you up. And after you look down and you see you baby DEAD in a bottle and they take it out and look at it to make sure the WHOLE baby is out.... yeah DONT DO IT!!! Slience Scream PLEASE WATCH IT>... IT WILL live with you 4 EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  11. a week and a half and she knows for sure how? Anyway, she should have obtained Plan B within the first 72 hours after having unprotected s*x and this would not be a question. Odds are they could do the procedure this early in fact it is usually best to do it as soon as possible, as it becomes more difficult the further along you are. Granted they will test her where ever she would get it done to make sure she is actually pregnant. If you really want to know what it is like, do your research, there are plenty of websites that will show or tell you about the procedure.  Its not a pretty sight, but the earlier the less invasive the procedure.  In many states it is illegal to have an abortion after a certain time, usually many clinics will not do it after the first trimester. so she needs to find out 1 is she really pregnant, and 2 how far along she really is, and 3 how much it will cost not only now but in the future (emotionally).

  12. Not judging, sincerely trying to be helpful:

    Perhaps offering the child up for adoption would be something she would consider.  This is a seriously huge decision she is facing so should be done with a lot of care and research looking at all sides of the issue.  There is help out there to calm her fears and guide her through it.

    I wish your friend and her child all the best.

  13. it's too soon for her to even know that she's pregnant ffs!

    abortion is just wrong. it's not that babys fault that your friend spread her legs and wasn't ready for the consequences. there is always adoption.

    the test can't tell you how far along you are, and she has to be more than one week because you can't even get a positive resault until 3 weeks.

  14. no its not to early. they will just scrape inside he uterus and her body will self abort. the basics

  15. no its not too early, you can get it done to up to 21 weeks (i think! not 100% sure) and im not exactly sure about the procedure but i knwo they vacuum the dead featus out of you

  16. Getting an abortion in the first 12 weeks is ok, anything after that is not. The hardest thing is making the right choice for yourself so be there for your friend, its emotional and requires a shoulder to lean on.

  17. yeah she need to ve like 4 to 5 weeks but have her call and schedule an appointmnet they will let her know all the information needed...but she should tell her parents in case something happends to her

  18. It's never too early to get an abortion, hence, the day after pill. The longer you leave it, the harder and more expensive it becomes. Like if I wanted to have my brother aborted, it would cost like $10,000 for a hitman, since, my brother is 25 years old, or in his.. 75th trimester.

    Some people even have abortions before they get pregnant, although this is much rarer since time travel is expensive.

    Also, I'm judging you and your friend right now, what are you gonna do about it? *raises eyebrow*

  19. yes, she should get an abortion but i dont like the thought of killing an innocent, unborn baby.  But whatever she chooses is her choice.  After all, it is her baby.  However, I've heard that abortions hurt or feel uncomfortable a bit after you wake up.  My sister was pregnant a year ago about and got an abortion.  She, however, was 21 when this happened.  She told me that it was sore a bit.  All she did the next day was sleep.  However, abortions are a really emotional thing.  Later, women get depressed because of the abortion.

  20. If she is so newly pregnantt she can get what is called a medical abortion, where she can take a pill, followed up with another pill 24 hours later which will essentially flush the embryo out of her uterus.  Otherwise she will have to wait about 5 weeks until it is big enough to see on a scan so they can go in and get it by scraping out her womb manually.  I would suggest that she goes the medical abortion route.  If she is certain that this is what she wants, and at 14 I think that is a smart choice, get to a clinic and ask about it.  Being pregnant for 5 weeks when you know you are not going to have the baby and letting your body go through those kinds of changes, is not fun.  Don't listen to the anti abortionists.  At 14 she can not give the child a good life and it will ruin hers. at this stage it is nothing but multiplying cells, it is not a life or a baby, but hormones will change that.  Good luck.  

  21. First of all, she wouldn't know if she was a week and a half pregnant as it is taken from your last period, not from fertilisation.

    Secondly, it's more a question of is it too late with abortions.  At an early stage, it's only a matter of scraping out a few cells, whereas later on it's removing a larger foetus

  22. You really need to get a test done by a doctor before you even think of abortions. It's really to early to get a real positive reading. Your friend should wait a few weeks and get a doctor to check her over first. Good luck.

  23. ummm a week and a half pregnant? she would not even know she was pregnant yet by then. She has to be further. Maybe she should just go talk to mom and dad about that one. Seriously.  

  24. Its soon but there are 2 options she can have the surgical or medical abortion. The medical abortionn would be easiest since she's so early on. Its quite simple but the pain is different for all women. You take a few pills and it causes a miscarriage. It CAN be painful. I just recently the medical abortion and thankfullyy i didn't have much pain. The surgical abortion is quick. Its not as painful though. She would be put under and the fetus would be vacuumeded from her body. The biggest question she needs to decide what she wants to do with the baby. The medical abortion is easier because you can do it at home so its more personal but the surgical is obviously n a doctors office....THE CHOICE IS HERS...good luck to her and dont let anyone get her down regardless of what ppl may say =)--it'll all work out and good luck hun

  25. I don't think this is a true story but anyway....

    There is no way your friend can know she is pregnant if she is a "week and a half pregnant".

    Technically, she wouldn't have conceived yet, since a pregnancy is timed from the first day of the period immediately before conception.

    But if you mean she conceived a week and a half ago she wouldn't even know she was pregnant yet.  

    If you want some genuine information, rather than deliberately try to start controversial threads on the net, get her to see a doctor.

    From the sound of some of your other questions you should both STOP HAVING s*x and enjoy being kids for awhile.  

    If you honestly don't know the answers to these type of questions you are both WAY TOO YOUNG to be having s*x.

  26. ABortion is a very hard thing for someone. they have two procedure. surgical and pill. with the pill it will cause her to havea miscarriage and the other one the have to do it surgical. She really needs to talk to a clinic though. that would be best before making any descions.

  27. if your having s*x at 14 people are going to judge you reguardless of what you request from them.

    your parents will have to be involved when your that young i think, call a clinic... they will have the information.

  28. Well if your underage they give you stuff to put you to sleep but they have a nurse in there with you the whole time while the doctors in there with you, after wards you feel dizzy and sometimes confused about where you are, but as soon as the procedures done you bleed for awhile and they make you wear a diaper like thing.  It's not something your friend should do, it will hurt her a lot later in life and she may feel really sad and depressed and she may even need counseling, consider adoption, i know its hard to carry a baby for nine months and then have to give it up, but after about 24 weeks she'll start feeling the baby and the first time she feels that baby she may change her mind, but if that doesn't work she has to choose the best possible decision for herself, because no one else is in her shoes and knows her better than herself=)

    Oh and she doesn't want the pill!  It can make you really sick!

    Tell your friend i said goodluck=)

  29. She should go to her doctor for info on this. no judgment but she should use protection, getting preg is not the only danger in s*x with no protection. some are death sentences.

  30. at 1 1/2 weeks pregnant, your friend's options are fairly limited.

    this is too late for the morning after pill (AKA Plan B)- this only works within about 72 hours of unprotected s*x.

    this is too early for a surgical abortion, which needs to be at least 4-5 weeks pregnant.  (they have to be able to see the pregnancy on the sonogram)

    at this point, her only termination option would be medical abortion.  this is done with a combination of two drugs, and if she opts for this, it is VERY IMPORTANT that she returns for the follow-up appointment so that the doctor can ensure the abortion is completed.

    for detailed information on how surgical abortion works, see

    for an explanation of the differences/advantages/disadvantages of medical vs. srugical aborion, please see

    also, you friend definitely needs to get with her doctor to confirm the pregnancy and make sure that she understands her options.  please let her know that she can seek medical attention and that they do not have to (in fact, they are legally restricted from) telling her parents unless she gives her permission to do so.

  31. no it is not too soon for to get an abortion...the sooner the better....if she goes to a clinic they would only give her a pill to and the fetus is outta her system..but idk all the details so tell her to talk to a healthcare provider

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