
Confused about being pregnant?? plz help!!?

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ok hey ummm... well i missed my period this motnh it was suppose to be on the 13th of this month and i tokk 3 pregnancy test they all came back positive am i prego?? im ony confused because i was reading the early symptoms of pregnancy and it said ypur suppose to "spot" like a week after ur missed period...and that hasnt happend to me yet what do you think???




  1. Yes you are pregnant. All women don't experience all of the possible symptoms of pregnancy. The fact that the pregnancy test picked up the HcG hormone should be confirmation is very rare to have a false positive. Schedule an appointment with your OB/GYN to confirm the pregnancy. Congrats and good luck!

  2. I never spotted with either of my pregnancies.  If three tests came out positive you are pregnant. You have to remember that every ones pregnancy are different.  Some people get morning sickness and others don't.  So when you read the books it is not always going to apply to you.  If you haven't seen a doctor yet you need to.  You need to get on prenatal vitamins and they will also be able to help you with all of the questions you have.

  3. Yes your pregnant,and not everyone spots.:)


  4. If the tests came out positive, you are indeed pregnant (its rare to get a false positive).

    Now time to make an appointment and go see your doctor.

    Not all woman spot or actually see implantation bleeding, or have morning sickness, all are different. Just consider yourself lucky.

    Congratulations and have a happy pregnancy :)

  5. if you got 3 positives you are pregnant!!! i have two children and just found out we have a 3rd on the way!! I never had "implantation bleeding" or spotting. Everyone is different. You should def go see your doctor, especially if this is your first pregnancy! GOOD LUCK

  6. ur pregnant...

  7. everyone's body is different. Go to the doctor for a blood test to make sure everything is going fine with you. Congrats!!!!!!!!

  8. Believe it or not, you are pregnant! Yay!! Welcome to the Prego Club.  Only 1 in 3 women spot, also called implantation bleeding. I never spotted and I have a baby boy. Not all women experience all or any pregnancy symptoms. In a couple weeks, symptoms should start kickin in . Best of luck!!

  9. I never spotted. A lot of women don't. The pregnancy test is probaly accurate and you may want to go to a doctor to confirm it but it sounds to me like you're pregnant. Probaly a little overwhelming to hear at the moment but I wish you the best of luck.

  10. I never spotted, and I never had any morning sickness or any other symptoms during my first trimester all I had was hormones from h**l! But if the test said postive then you defintely are PreGO


  11. I think you're preg. If  you're still confused after all these *You're preg* answers, go visit the doctor and get the test done professionally. You're supposed to miss your next period after you concieve. You don't have to spot or feel sick. Congratulations? ;)  

  12. I never spotted with all three of my pregnancies. Congrats and start taking your prenatal vitamins and schedule an appointment with your OB.  

  13. DUH! You are pregnant! You have 3 positive pregnancy tests. Not everyone gets implantation bleeding.  

  14. not every one spots, i did with my 1st 2 but with this one i never spotted! if you got a positive test then congrats!! your pregnant!

  15. congrats!!!

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