
Confused about due date and bleeding...?

by  |  earlier

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i thought i was about 8 weeks along because i guesstimated on my last period which i thought was July 1st. i gave everyone this date because they insisted on one even though i told them i wasn't sure.

a few days ago i started to spot very lightly and only when i would wipe, i wasn't too concerned because everywhere i turned to seek advise said it wast uncommon, i even called the doctors office. then the bleeding started to get a little heavier and dark red. i called the doctors office yesterday and they told me to go in, they checked me and did a sonogram. im only 5 WEEKS today!! (she said i was 4 weeks 6 days yesterday). she sent me over to do some blood work to check for hormones and i have to get another blood test tomorrow.

im concerned because ive been having cramping and ive been bleeding in small amounts, not a continuous flow but still it concerns me and i think it concerned my doctor. does anyone know how to calculate my due date? does anyone know what exactly are they looking for in my blood/hormones? was my doctor talking about gestational age or fertilization age? has anyone experienced anything like this? please share your experiences as i am so nervous about a miscarriage... thanks




  1. With the blood test they are looking for the pregnancy hormone HGC.  The levels have to be above a certain mark, and since you are spotting and have to go back in, my guess is that they want to check the levels a second time to make sure they haven't dropped to much.  

    When you get pregnant, the hormone level spikes and then drops and levels off.  If it drops too low it indicates a miscarriage.  

    Spotting is common when the embryo implants into the uterine wall.  Sometimes it is noticeable, other times not.  With the heavier bleeding, it could be a cause for concern.  You may want to call the doctor's office back and find out if they were concerned or not.  

    The link in my sources is where you can go to calculate your due date.  If the date of your LMP was 1 July, then you are 9 wks and due 7 April 2009.

    Hope this helps!

  2. I bled when i was preg. it was caused by stress and everything was ok. I'm not trying to scare you but they check for misscarriages and all cause they start from bleeding. And due dates are only estimated times, the baby can come 2 weeks b4 or 2 weeks after the due date (thats considered average and full term). good luck!

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