i thought i was about 8 weeks along because i guesstimated on my last period which i thought was July 1st. i gave everyone this date because they insisted on one even though i told them i wasn't sure.
a few days ago i started to spot very lightly and only when i would wipe, i wasn't too concerned because everywhere i turned to seek advise said it wast uncommon, i even called the doctors office. then the bleeding started to get a little heavier and dark red. i called the doctors office yesterday and they told me to go in, they checked me and did a sonogram. im only 5 WEEKS today!! (she said i was 4 weeks 6 days yesterday). she sent me over to do some blood work to check for hormones and i have to get another blood test tomorrow.
im concerned because ive been having cramping and ive been bleeding in small amounts, not a continuous flow but still it concerns me and i think it concerned my doctor. does anyone know how to calculate my due date? does anyone know what exactly are they looking for in my blood/hormones? was my doctor talking about gestational age or fertilization age? has anyone experienced anything like this? please share your experiences as i am so nervous about a miscarriage... thanks