I have 3 children and each time i had no problem conceiving. I didn't know anything about how your cm changes throughout your cycle, i just had lots of s*x and got pregnant, simple. This time we've been trying for a few months and nothing has happened. My partner works away a few days a week so we are having less s*x, so obviously this would have an affect on ttc. The thing that I don't understand is about MY cm. I don't seem to get ewcm. I remember having it in the past, but never thought anything about it as i didn't know what this meant. Now I'm trying to find out when I ovulate I don't notice any at all. I have days where i am very wet with a clear watery discharge, and this can be loads so i need to change my underwear, but its usually a few days after my period. Then I get a white sticky discharge that tends to last most of the rest of my cycle. But nothing that looks like egg white and is very stretchy. I'm confused, am i ovulating, or is my body just different?