I have a great job and work for a great company. Hours are 9-5, I'm salaried, and it's a very small company (under 20 employees) and on my first day, I was never officially told what the lunch break was, but no one in our office ever goes out fr lunch, unless they need to get food and they're only gone for about 10-15 minutes. Everyone always eats at their desk, which I've always found strange.
Eventually, after a few months at the company, I was talking to a coworker on the train back home, and she explained that it's kind of "understood" that since we only work 9-5, it isn't encouraged to take a lunch. It especially frustrating for me because I'm the kind of person that likes a small break in the middle of the day to clear my head, etc. Not to mention a large portion of my job is answering phone calls. So if I'm eating at my desk, and a call comes through, I'm expected to answer it, and it's just really irritating. I feel like I have to scarf my lunch in 60 seconds to avoid that situation.
I was just wondering if this sounds crazy to anyone else, because my coworkers don't seem to be bothered by it. Other than the weird lunch thing, I'm treated really well (early Fridays in the summers, great bonus plan, good personal time, etc.), so I feel bad saying something. How should I handle this, though? Let it go and deal, or speak up and talk to my supervisor?