
Confused about miscarriage and dates?

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Hi all just a quick question. When you have a miscarriage (was 5 weeks pregnant) do you count that as being a period if you bleed for a week or do you have to wait to get your first normal period? Sorry if that sounds stupid. We are ttc and dont know when i'm due to ovulate now as i havent had my period yet. I miscarried on the 11th august and normally have a 28 day cycle so due period on the 1st Sept. I should be due to ovulate this week i think?!!




  1. says to count the first day of red bleeding of a miscarriage, or the day of a D&C as day 1 of your cycle. I recently had a miscarriage too and was told to count it as day one of a cycle.

    Of course, this cycle may not be a regular one because it takes a little while for the pregnancy hormones to die down so this can give you a longer cycle.

    This makes it hard to tell when you are going to ovulate. OPKs may not be reliable because they also pick up hcg and can look positive when they are not..

    If you don't think you would have ovulated yet because it's too soon after the m/c then do an OPK and see what it looks like. If it's negative then you could probably trust a positive later in your cycle.

    I am trying to use them this cycle but it's been very confusing because they all look almost positive (although I was 9 weeks pregnant when I had a m/c so it's taking a while for the pregnancy hormones to die down)

    Another alternative is just to BD quite regularly and hope it works out!

    Baby dust to you (and to me!!)

  2. Well, it depends. Are you charting? If so then you should count your miscarriage as cycle day #1. There is no way to know when you will ovulate again but charting is a great way to find out. I miscarried early July and started charting two weeks after. 4 weeks after my D & C (counting the surgery as CD1) I finally ovulated. Now I know that if I do not have a period in a week I am most likely pregnant again. But without charting I never would have known I am expecitng my period next week.

    If you aren't charting then no,  you can not count your miscarriage as a period because it can take up to 4 weeks to actually ovulate again which means you wont tyically get a period until around 6 weeks after the miscarraige.

    Hope that makes sense?

  3. Two totally different things. I had a miscarriage, bled for a week, ovulated two weeks later, as I have ovulation pains and I could tell, then had my period to confirm what I already thought, two weeks later. Then the ovulation came about two weeks after that, where upon that time, my son who is now five months old was created. Good luck to you sweetie!

  4. In my opinion, I would not count the mc as being a period.  It`s a completely different situation for your body.  I wouldn`t even try to calculate ovulation until you`ve had a normal period since the mc.  I miscarried on March 7th, bled for a week (if you count spotting too), then my next normal period arrived on April 16th.  I have a very regular 28 day cycle and it was off for the first few months.  I was using opk`s and my ovulation day would change as much as 6 days from one month to the next, just in the last 2 months is my cycle back to normal.  Just give your body time to heal, wait until you`ve had one normal period, then start using opk`s, BBT and whatever else you are doing every month.  Your body needs a rest.  

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