
Confused about whether to vote ?

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I am a Democrat have always voted democrat but I will not vote for Obama for President. So my question is can someone tell me why I should vote McCain Ive never voted for a republican and I am a little uneasy about it but I feel I need to vote I guess my dilemma is either I wont vote or I will vote for McCain I'm not asking someone to make that decision for me just to give me a reason why I should or shouldn't vote. Thank you in advance




  1. Vote only if your conscience allows you to do so.

  2. Don't feel uneasy, but also don't vote for someone you don't want...

    Just don't vote

    atta way to show your support

  3. I haven't voted FOR anyone since reagan, but I always find someone to vote AGAINST.

    Now with Palin on the ticket, though, I actually feel like I'm voting for someone.  No big fan of McCain, but I love that lady!

  4. Do your homework - the election isn't tomorrow.  Make the decision on your own but if you are not even going to try to find reasons to vote one way or another, just don't vote because you could be taking a vote away from an informed voter that does care.  I'm doing my homework and reading up on facts.  It's getting interesting and I feel like I am making a great decision on my own.  But you can't discount one side or the other, you MUST listen to both sides to make a clear decision IMO.

  5. stay home

  6. I can see both sides too. I try to keep it as simple as I can. Do I want more or less:



    social programs


    Everybody wants to help the unfortunate but to what end? I believe in helping my neighbor but I am not in favor of carrying him through life. Help and support should not be indefinite. I also want my children to have a great education. I don't believe that busing kids from a low income side of town to another is positive because it lowers the playing field for all the children. Falling tides will lower all ships in other words. Please don't misunderstand my position because I do believe that a struggling student deserve extra attention and there should be programs to provide tutoring. The one thing that sticks out the most is the idea that in a capitalist society the sky is the limit. I believe it is wrong to over-tax the successful to provide for the unsuccessful. I don't believe a redistribution of wealth is helpful in any society and furthermore is a possible gateway to socialism that I am in opposition to. McCain/Palin have my values and virtues in their hearts and isn't that what we are really protecting? Personally I don't care if a woman gets an abortion but I do care if they have to suck the brains out and crush the skull to get it out. I am not overly religious but I do believe that there is a point. I would only suggest that maybe a good place to start is when it has limbs. I voted for Kerry and in the last eight years since I crossed thirty I have noticed a few things that I never noticed as a young man from California. Ungrateful citizens, Horrible students that do horrific things and have no intention of being students, People of all shapes and sizes living on welfare with no shame and in alot of cases feel that they deserve a living from their government, Anti-Americanism from our people that would make our for-fathers turn over in their graves, Have people forgotten what we sacrificed to be here?, Inflated income taxes, property taxes, city taxes, county taxes, fuel taxes, state taxes, sales taxes, utility taxes, misc taxes, . How can we afford even more taxes under the Obama/Biden plan? You should definitely vote because it is the most American thing you can do and think about the countries across the globe that just do as they are told. I would rather you vote for Obama than not vote at all because it is a right that we should all respect.

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