
Confused again ?

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In this question I asked if Jesus still has his resurrected body:

So, many of my answers were similar to Chris's answer that He does have a body, the same one He had before He died, but better.

So....if Jesus has a body, then how can He and God the Father be the same person?




  1. They are distinctly different yet distinctly the same.

    So much in both cases that it is said that they are three yet are one.

    The tough can not be prov en or dis proven, it is a matter of faith.

    I hope that helps.

  2. Burn!


    P.S. My hand is asleep..  

  3. Uh, lol I don't believe that Jesus is a part of God or God. Rather he was a messenger of God.. and was raised/brought up to the heavens.. when the fella who came to 'snitch' on him came out bearing his likeliness (A miracle of God) and that fella was crucified while Jesus is in heaven until he comes down to fight the Dajjal (Anti-Christ).

    These two verses put it well for the raising to heaven...;

    "That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah";- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not:- Nay, Allah raised him up unto Himself; and Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise;-"


    (Jesus as a prophet; support for my belief... so its not like just me saying but i actually have a basis for it.. etc. lol)

    "Christ, the son of Mary, was no more than a messenger; many were the messengers that passed away before him. His mother was a woman of truth. They had both to eat their (daily) food. See how God makes His signs clear to them; yet see in what ways they are deluded away from the truth!" (5:75)

  4. That is carnal thinking. They all spirits. They are as one such as working together as one. GOD is the creator of heaven and earth, Jesus was sent to die for our sins, we can't get to heaven but by Jesus, the Holy Spirit was sent down to help us get to heaven and help us leave right and do that which is right. Holy Spirit does as GOD tells him. Everything ties together. You can't do one without the other. Thats why they are as one. We as christians are as one in the body of CHRIST. Think of it as a heavenly body rather than a flesh one.

  5. when the bible says 3 gods in 1 , it means that the 3 all have the same god attributes , but they are separate entities. jesus does have a body and he sits at the right hand of god the father , the bible says we will see jesus's scars so i assume we will see him as he was at his death only different in ways

  6. Jesus is God, the Son who became flesh, He is God in the flesh seperate from the Father but still God in the flesh.

  7. Jesus and God are not the same person.

  8. He is not God the Father

    God is the Father, the Son, and the holy spirit.

    These three are one.

    Jesus said he was god.

    John 8:58  Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.

    I AM the God who revealed him self to Moses

    Exo 3:14  And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.

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