
Confused...and frustrated?

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Okay, so I'm 14 and am just confused, frustrated and depressed right now.

I rarely ever talk to my parents or anybody when I'm depressed, and whenever someone says "How are you?" I usually lie and say "Good". I mean, I don't want to be like "Bad" then they're like "What's wrong", because...well, I wouldn't want to start talking about all the c**p that's wrong with my life or anything.

And my parents aren't concerned because they don't know whenever I'm depressed because either I hide it, or they notice and say "What's with you" or something, I just ignore them and yeah. I just keep to myself.

It seems like I've been depressed off and on for a very long time, and it just feels like I've messed up my life and don't know what to do about this depression. I don't have any friends, and never talk to my parents, so I just feel really alone right now. Well yeah, it's been like that for a long time.

But I don't know what I should do, or if every teenager goes through this and I'm just overreacting.

I don't know if that was too hard to understand, but I don't really know how to explain it...

I'm not even sure WHY I'm depressed. I guess it's from having no one to talk to, feeling left out, being alone, etc. etc.




  1. Well hunny, it is normal for teens to go through a period of feeling isolated and sad, but what you are explaining seems to be too much.  It sounds like you are depressed.  Luckily you sound like you have parents who care about you.  I would tell them that you have been feeling really sad for a long time and you would like to ask a doc about it.  Sometimes people don't have a reason to be sad, they just are.  It's the chemicals in our brains that make it that way, and some people's chemicals are just off.  Try making some new friends in school this year.  Just start saying hello to some people in class.  There are other kids who feel alone like you and it won't be hard to find some friends.  Good luck.  

  2. You probably feel that way because you feel left out and alone. Why don't you have friends? Are you shy? Try to talk to other people. I know it can be hard sometimes but you have to do something for yourself so others can do something for you. For instance you asked this question (for yourself) and you will get answers(for yourself). So If you say "hi" to someone at school you will get an answer and most probably make a friend.

    You may also want to be a bit more open with your family. Do you have any siblings? Spend more time with them. Do positive stuff that make you feel better and good about yourself.

    Don't worry you aren't the only one. Most people feel that way. If you think no one cares about you then you are wrong. I bet you have a great family. They will always be with you.

    I hope I was of some help. :D

  3. u are just like I was. I would always say im good, but rly i felt crappy and down. all depressed and sad, sometimes angry. spending a lot of time in my room or alone...


    ok, this might sound rly dumb, but I'm being seriously cuz it worked for me. (btw I'm 14)

    Do u have a pet? That's what sured my depression!

    Not just ANY pet, but a guinea pig.

    It's so wonderful I have 3 and none of them bite or squirm or anything! They all l**k me and purr and stuff :) and their little squeaky noises, they look more like bunnies than rats and are easy to take care of, they don't smell at all and there cage doesnt smell if u clean it out.

    Everyday I'm so happy.

    One time i passed out and hurt myself and was shocked and sad, I got my guinea pig out and it seemed she knew what was wrong...  she licked my hand and stood up, putting her front paws on me as if she was giving a hug or cuddle or something...

    They are so nice, and smarter than they appear, too!

    They changed my life FOREVER (in such a wonderful way!)

    You can see the pets (Guinea, Squeak, and Coco) who cured my depression here: (they sooo cute!)

  4. I have felt just like you before. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! You may have clinical depression, in which case you need to get help. Even if you don't, talk to someone. If you don't feel comfortable telling your parents, tell a friend first. If you don't have friends, make an effort to get some. Or next time someone is nice to you, just try to initiate a conversation. Try going out and doing some community work. It will make you feel a whole lot better about yourself. Or, if you're too young, just try being nice to one person a day. I know that sounds childish, but it helps!

  5. First off I want to say I'm so sorry you're feeling this way, depression at any level is in no way fun to deal with.

    I have been through depression off and on since I was your age (I am now 27), but that doesn't mean that it'll last that long for you. A lot of teens do go through depression at some level or another, most the time it's the changing of the hormones.

    I know how you feel about being alone and keeping to yourself, I did the same for so so long. Sometimes, even though it really doesn't seem like it, it really helps to open up at least a little to someone. And even though you don't think your parents don't know what is going on, they probably can sense it, they've been around since you were born, I'm sure you would notice if your mom was feeling that way and was trying to keep it to herself. I don't know your parents so I can't really say for sure, but maybe open up and talk to them.

    Another thing that helps with your mood, is taking a walk (even if it's the last thing you want to do, it really helps build those endorphines). And another thing that I found helpful is to listen to something RELAXING (not depressing) and to meditate.

    Again I am so sorry you are going through this, hope you find the answeres you need.

    PS, sometimes I go to youtube and watch something really funny to lift my spirits (:

  6. Trust me, the feeling will pass... when you do something about it. You may not feel comfortable talking to your parents, and that's fine. You probably don't want to talk to friends and people who just ask you how you are because it's custom, and who really don't understand what you're talking about. But you do need to talk to someone.

    I really know what you're about, and it will NOT go away if you don't deal with it. Please, talk to someone who cares and who will atleast try to understand. You may not know why you're depressed, but they might.

    And who knows? If you open up about your feelings to the right person, those depressing feelings just might leave you for good.

    Besides, you asked for advice, you asked for help. That's the first step.

  7. I start feeling depressed all the time. Especially when I've been alone without anyone to talk to for a while. For the most part, these mood changes and extreme feelings are completely natural in many teenagers. Usually these feelings will come and go, but it is important that you find a friend who you can trust who you can talk to. Sometimes it's just a matter of letting the feelings out to someone. If you feel really depressed to the point of self-mutilation or suicide, that's when you go to your parents or a professional, or both. Everything will be alright though.

  8. sweetie, you really should talk to someone. your mom and dad are there for you, though it may seem they're not.  Every teenager has felt this way, some more than others. You're not alone. You're totally normal and being a teen is hard work. I'm a parent of a teen and when i see he's down, i have to ask and if he says "nuttin or i'm fine"... i leave him alone but i do tell him I love him and when he wants to talk, i'm right there for him. Usually it'll be a day or two and then he opens up.

    You have to try to tell your parents that you're sad, you're lost, depressed, don't know where you belong in this world. You need their help and more than likely, they'll hug and love you the way parents should love their kids. talking helps, emailing helps but you can also try writing... pretend you're sitting in class and the teacher asked you what you want to be when you grow up.... take it from there... or ask yourself.. what makes me happy? what makes me sad?  When you're done writing, show it to your mom. or to your dad...

    don't be afraid, sad or worried...

    take care and be well

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