
Confused and need help please

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hello i have a deep and intense question. my husband was convicted in madison county, illinois on 7/18/08 on 2 counts of criminal sexual assault. he is innocent of these crimes and the victim has recanted but the states attorney told her to stick to the original story. she was not passed out at the time of the offense. they had consentual s*x which is a misdemeanor but now that the states attorney would not let her recant he got convicted of 2 felonies and is looking at 8-30yrs at 85 percent in prison. we dont know what to do and cannot find anyone to help us. we have tried the news but they dont feel that it is that important. we want to know if there is a system, program or a group of people that can help us? time is of essence here because he is about to be sentenced in roughly 6 wks. we have evidence to prove his innocence and we desperately need help so a innocent man does not spend anymore time in the system for this lie. he has already spent almost 2 yrs in jail for this crime. please help us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. You need to pack all of your stuff and go on the lam.The system is totally screwed these days and if he goes to prison he will be raped and abused.He will be the lowest of the low in prison as all rapists are,whether guilty or not he will be abused by the other prisoners.Run Run Run

  2. Sounds like your husband needs a better lawyer than he had for his trial!

    Since he was convicted at his first trial he may have to do some time ... do not let that stop you.  Get him a new lawyer and keep fighting this conviction!  It's never too late to get a conviction overturned ... even after he has served his full sentence.

    If you had evidence to prove his innocence that his lawyer did not use ... you had a lousy lawyer.  You might want to file a complaint with the state bar association.

  3. Get a lawyer, appeal the conviction, get a better lawyer.

  4. This is matter that the defense attorney should make part of the record at the sentencing hearing.    I am little confused why the defendant would enter a guilty plea to the felony counts in the indictment.  Just to guide your thinking in the case I think you mean to say "not guilty" rather than "innocent."   This is now a matter between the defendant and his attorney.  

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