
Confused between a quote?

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well my teacher told me to find a quote in this book that im reading and im kind of confused if its a straight qupte that a person says or what the author is saying

please need some serious answers




  1. It depends on what your teacher is asking of you and is a way of testing you to see if you are reading and understanding the book's text.

    Read the teacher's instructions several times so you understand the question being asked of you - indeed this is a good practice when taking exams as well.   By reading the book itself, you will learn and understand what the author is writing as well.  

    A straight quote as you say is something in between inverted commas eg "..........................." whereas what the author is saying is in the text of the book.    You need to understand the question in order to give the correct answer.

    Good luck

  2. Your teacher means for you to quote the text of the book.

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