
Confused here. Asking again?

by Guest10832  |  earlier

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Well i have just organised my 21st birthday party through facebook and one of my best female friends( i now have feelings for her) told me jokingly that she would only attend if she could apply make up on me.

Now lol what is up with her. She does not treat me in any girly way at all and she knows that i am not g*y. So why all of this. She does flirt with me a bit and loves to tease me.

Now lol is this her way of flirting with me :S




  1. lol she is having fun with you. Have fun back! tell her no way! and laugh. she'll probably jokingly say that she won't come then, but she wants your attention. you'll be able to tell if she's smiling about it. smile laugh and have fun back if you like her. and  Give her some attention but don't give in to anything that you would feel uncomfortable about doing, I think that she likes you but is testing you to see if she could respect you. Make her respect you unless you want to loose her love. If she says that she won't come unless she can put make up on you, play back, you could say, "Ok, well only if you let me put make up on you first." Or say no, but you've decided that now for her to gain entrance into the party she must let YOU put make up on her. Don't let her know that you like her for a long time. Just play as to allow her time to respect you. This is my advice. Good luck!

    Of course, if you don't like her, then just be her friend and say with out having fun, "no you can't put make up on me, but you can come to the party. Say it serious but nicely.

  2. Um, that's just weird.  I'd invite her anyway, but just not let her put make-up on you.  I think that's your question anyway, I couldn't find a single question mark (you know, the ? thing).

    If you're about to be 21, you can stop inserting "lol" into every other sentence, and certainly you can capitalize "I" (it's a proper noun).

    You're about to be a fully legal adult, act like it.

  3. i think she wants to gain a reputation.

  4. No hun she doesn't think you're g*y! She's totally flirting with you, she wants to spend some time with you having a laugh... Its hard to explain but its kinda her way of getting close to you. x

  5. Yes.

  6. Sure, she is flirting with you...


  8. I think she has feelings for you too, and doing this is just a cheap way of getting close to you and touching you. It also sounds like a power thing. She may be testing you to see how far you'd let her go just for the sake of making her happy. A lot of girls 'test' guys like this. Let her do it! It'll give you a chance for a close up look at her gorgeous eyes while she's putting eye shadow on you. ;-)

  9. i agree with always honest!

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