
Confused? here why is this?

by  |  earlier

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my fella goes partying alot,gives his number out to girls then switches his mobile off on them when they call.and he comes running back to me




  1. Patricia, do you have a brain?  I sure hope so.  He is using you.  You are the one in the background he can count on for games.  He wants his freedom, not commitment from you.  You are wasting your time on him.  Don't answer the door or the phone next time he tries to contact you.  Let him know you are not always going to be there.  I suspect he will then leave you alone as he really does not care about you.


    umm...he's cheating on you.

    seriously. are you serious. seriously.

    some guys....are you listening...some guys lie. some guys want to have s*x with their girlfriend AND other women. this is called cheating. usually when one is cheating, the cheater does not want the cheatee to find out otherwise he would have to stop having s*x with one, if not both, of them.

    in short....duh duh duh

  3. you need to find a new man!!!!!!! answer his phone or call the number back!!! if he loves you then why does he go out!!

  4. Could anyone be this stupid.....

  5. It's not a bit confusing to me...he wants his cake and eat it too! He is playing you, and them, and getting s*x from all of you. You need to move on!

  6. Turn the phone on and answer it.

  7. just a game player...sit him down and straighten his *** out right more hanky panky.....DO IT NOW!!!!!!

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