
Confused to!?

by  |  earlier

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wht wud u do when the person you love the most...tells you that he/she loves you BUT even loves someone else tOo! [:0

Yew -- ???

"leave him/her" or

"continue with him/her as things were b4" or

"forgive the person and jus move on to frndship for his/hers honesty as he/she told you abt the thing and was honest!" or

"you forget the person foreva!"

P.S -- [or u got sum other option den DO MENTION it ]




  1. Ask her to choose and if she chooses you forgive her if not still forgive her and try to be friends she may change her mind at any time

  2. kick him in the balls and tell him " You obviously don't love me enough" and forget about him for eva!

  3. SR dude

    "you forget the person foreva!"

    i've got the same prob and i still got it

    but thats the best i've got 2 do

    u also

  4. Is that even English?

  5. if it was me in that situation i would sit down with  that person and have a serious talk with them and try to find out what they really want,and if i were you i would break it off with them until they were willing to make a solid commitment! if they love you more than they will come back to you! but if they try to come back to you and is still confused then i would get my self away from that situation and move on! i ive been in the same situation and i didn't move on and it hurt alot worse because i hung on to long! so don't torture your self! because no one can be happy with confussed person!          

  6. leave him and forget about him......

    by the way, you're lucky that i could read this **** you wrote, because its not that understandable  

  7. I would be really really pissed off and im not really sure but i would definately question the person and try and convince them to only love me

    i would maybe hurt myself and show the person who said this to me that my life without just them i would die

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