
Confused - trying to understand my ovulation pattern and hormones....can anyone help please?

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I was diagnosed with PCOs about 6 yrs ago and have had very irregular periods...maybe 4 a year. My husband and I have been trying for a baby for 3 yrs now and nothing is happening. For the past 5 months i have semi-normal periods 37-43 day cycles. I started using OPKs but I have had no positive results. I get other signs of ovulation including EWM and a sharp pain on either side, I then develop very sore b*****s and eventually get my period. I have tried to do quite a bit of research but I am now very confused. I presumed that because I was getting the EWM, pain then subsequent period that I was ovulating but with the OPKs showing no positive results I am really unsure. Is it possible to get the EWM, sharp pain and subsequent symptoms and period without ovulation? I know it is possible to ovulate and not have a period and that it is also possible to have a period without ovulating but with having PCOs it seems to throw a spanner in the works. Can anyone tell me what it all means?






  1. If you ovulate, then you would get a period around 2 weeks later unless pregnancy occured, So, no, it's not possible to ovulate and not get a period.

    It is possible not ovulate and still get a period. It is not actually the unfertilised egg which triggers a period.

    OPKs are often not suitable for people to PCOS, although the problem usually is that the tests show positive all the time. If they are showing negative all the time then it's probably not the PCOS which is causing the problems with them.

    That's about all the advice I can offer. Hope it is of some help.

  2. Have you been to the doctors and let them run test on you?? I have the problems, PCOS and not been able to know if I ovulate or not. I've taken 3 rounds of clomid and nothing happen. I been bleeding, spotting w/ brown and red since the middle of July. My doctor has ref me to a fertility specialists. I think that maybe it's time for you to go to one too. Good Luck and Take care, your time will come Mommy to be..  

  3. Don't t know what this means, but I would recommend you get a day 21 blood test from the doctors. Or get a scan to see if your follicles are growing (i have never had one but its supposed to be accurate). I am in the same position as you. only have a period every 80 days and do not think i have ovulated. good luck to you

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