
Confused.......why cant I just stick with something?

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I'm starting to think I am crazy here. I'm a creative person, so its important for me to have a talent and stick with it. I cannot decide on what to do - I used to write stories all the time but I moved on from that. I feel a bit pressured to try all these things for different reasons -1) song writing (because we have a music studio and it makes me feel guilty when no one uses it. I would also love to be able to write songs),2) film directing (i hope this could be my future career, but I have no idea on how to enhance my skills for now when I don't know anyone I could make a film with. Writing a screenplay could help????), 3)designing a website (I recently had a eureka moment which could be a good website) This is a dumb question I must admit, but which is more important?? I also feel jealous of people all the time when I should be focusing on my own life. I know some people might say do them all, but I tried that and it doesn't work.




  1. Nobody else can tell you which is best for you except you.

    If I were you I'd weigh up all the pros & cons for each of the things you want to do & if that doesn't work go with your gut instinct.

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