
Confused=is it the amount of hours sleep you get or the time you go to bed at that counts?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Most people might say it's the number of hours you get. But I've heard that 90% of the benefits you get from sleeping, you also get from lying quietly in bed (such as relaxed muscles, increased energy, ability to focus, etc.)

    Hope it helps! :)

  2. I think that its the amount of hours of sleep you get per day that really counts. Everyone is on a different schedule so maybe sleeping from midnight to 10 am is just best for you and your schedule. That wouldn't work for me seeing as I need to be at work by 8 am!

  3. it's the amount of hours, 9 is a good amount

  4. Should be the amount of hours you get...because you can go to bed at 7 p.m. and just lay there unable to sleep for hours.

  5. The amount of hours, although that is often dependent on what time you go to bed.

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