
Confusing Dream?

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I had a weird dream about a girl that i did not even know,but then i got to know her,then all of a sudden i liked her,her name started with an M,but other than that she was in a bed,and i kissed her on the forehead,and then in the mouth,and then i just woked up.Can anybody tell me what does this mean?




  1. Did the girl look like anyone you knew? Did it feel comfortable, like you were with a good friend or sibling? Depending on who she might remind you of, will be who she symbolizes. I can't obviously tell you who she symbolizes, because I don't know the people in your life. Think about it for awhile.

    Then, the tenderness you displayed with her - kissing her forehead before you even go for the mouth - suggests you desire a romantic relationship with whomever it is this girl is representing. Maybe you don't have a crush on her, but it's occurred to you that she's a nice person, and maybe, just maybe...

    Then again, it could also be that you're 16 and you want a girlfriend really badly, and the girl doesn't represent anyone in your life. In that case, Nikki's interpretation is... sort of correct, haha.

    Dreams are just your brain's way of going through what happened that day, and trying to sort it all out. The things you dream about are almost always related in some way to what you did that day, what you've been worried about, etc. They're more symbolic because your brain has the ability to stretch its imagination while you're asleep, but they're always interpretable. Since dreams are very personal, however, and I don't know what's going on in your life, I can only point the way.

  2. Your mind is just exploring possibilities for relationships and sexuality. You're at an age where your mind is going to be more and more concerned with girls, and dreams are where we sometimes work stuff out, you'll dream about them often in different ways. Enjoy them.

  3. Have you ever used a dream dictionary? I use one quite frequently. Just write down everything you can remember about the dream and then start looking each item up in the dictionary. Once you are done all the definitions should fit together. The one I use is and it has proven to be highly accurate for me.

    Good luck.
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