
Confusing Relationship... I know he likes me.. but love?

by  |  earlier

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Here goes.. I've loved this guy for 4 years.. we just graduated from High School in May, and I fell for him within a month of starting high school. Well within the past few weeks.. we've had our first kiss, went camping with my family and his family, made out in the middle of the woods.. and I held his head when he couldn't hold his alcohol. He told me last night that he loves me, and he's made smart *** comments like guys do about relationships, and hes the best kisser... ever... d**n.. I love him more than words can express and he knows it, i've told him on several occasions. He gets along great with my family and I'm the same way with his. He talks about the future and the fact he wants two children, a boy and a girl. He's so weird about commiting himself to a relationship because hes been hurt in the past so many times. He knows I'd never ever hurt him, and I know he'd never ever hurt me.. we were made for each other. I'm lovesick over the whole thing, I havent eaten in four days, It's hard to sleep when I'm lying there with him because I can't take my eyes off his face when he's sleeping. He's talked to his mom and she's given him the third degree about our relationship, asking what I am to him, asked him if I was a girlfriend, and he said he didn't know yet. Do I just need to give him time? What should I go?




  1. talk to him about it. if you feel that the two of you are actually a couple then ask him if he feels that way too. then bot your minds will be made up about the whole thing. it sounds like you guys are pretty perfect for each other. You have found an amazing thing that is extremely hard to find and that's true love. not the love when someone just says oh i love you then dumps you two months later. hold on to what you have. his mom is just being a mom about your relationship. just don't worry about it. everything will be fine.

    look to the future.

    hope that helped.

    contact me if you need more help.

  2. Give him time. Maybe a month or two, but remember to reassure him. Guys seem to have more trouble telling girls that they love them, and telling girls how much they mean to them.  If he knows that you love him, then he will be even more trusting in you. You two seem to have a great relationship so far, and I really hope that things get even better!

    Best of luck!!

  3. You've been going through this with him for too long. You are miserable now, so think of how you'll feel in another month, with still no commitment from him. This fact is, he doesn't want to get married. He talks freely about the future with marriage and children, but what part do you play in that wish? He can't even tell his mother what you are to him. You will have it tough for awhile, but you are already a wreck over him not committing, so don't wait any longer. It's time to call it a day and move on.  

  4. I'd say give him time. He obviously loves you. Take it one step at a time there is no rush. If you continue being the great person you are to him, he will love you even more each day, then there will be no question on his love for you because it will be so clear.

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