
Confusing dream that I had, what does it mean?

by  |  earlier

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Last night, I had a dream. I was in a (my) school's gym, and there was a formal dance going on. I had no one to dance with, so I went to sit down on the bleachers. There was a girl sitting there that I know (and I like) and I sat down next to her. She then stood up, offered her hand, and we started slow dancing. We were close to each other, and my head was resting on her shoulders. I'm considerably shorter than her, and my chin rested on her shoulder, but then I was hovering a good two inches above the gound. I remember her saying something like, "don't worry, you're safe." , and then we kiss, and she gets.. mad, but I don't think she was mad. I think it was more frustrated because of either me or her friend. Then, she runs outside, and I follow after her. For some reason now I'm carrying a huge backpack, and I can still match her pace. I catch up to her, and I say "who cares what he thinks?" or something, referring to her friend, and then I wake up.




  1. im not sure what the dreams mean but about what you said in the end i do dream and something i thought about that day or before i go to bed. it never happened that much to me besides these past days. im reading harry potter so iv dreamed i was in the book and i dreamed i was with the jonas brothers witch i think about durning the day (awsome dream! lol) so i dont think its weird that you dreamed about something you thought about.

  2. We often incorporate things of our daily life in our dreams.

    I didn't read the book but I think that the fact that you are running after her with a heavy back pack might mean that in life... ya know you like her, so you are kind of "running" after her, you want to be with her.

    The back pack might represent the weight on your shoulder. You know when you like someone and it's difficult for some reason. Maybe because she's another girl, maybe because you're not sure she likes you or if she does, how she would handle it with the people around her...

    I think the fact that she was running away could be her own insecurities..

    How about you tell her about your dream? You might not need to tell her every detail depending on her reaction but it might help you out?

  3. idk wait. your a girl and you like a girl? akwardddddddddddd

  4. Men have s*x is g*y but when woman's do it that seems alright

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