
Confusing psychological questions? ?

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I've been in a weird state of mind lately. I'm trying to think up strange psychological questions, and just type out whatever I think about them as I think about them. I can't come up with anything though.

Does anyone have an REALLY confusing psychological teasers? For example, the ever-so-infamous "Time Travel Theory" and the paradoxes that occur. Those are the type of things I'm looking for.

Also, (optional) if any that you come up with human emotions, that's be great. For some reason, that's what I'm mostly looking for. --But others are good as well :)

An easy 10 points for the question I find the most interesting :D




  1. Here is a fantastic teaser I got from Malcolm Gladwell's book The Tipping Point.

    Question 1:

    I give you 4 playing cards.  The 4 playing cards say 3,6,A,C.  On the front of each card is a letter.  On the back is a number.  Here is the rule:  On the back of each vowel MUST be an even number.  Which card(s) do you flip to prove the rule?

    Question 2:

    There are 4 people in a bar.  One is 16.  One is 28.  One is drinking a beer.  One is drinking a soda.  Which person/people do we need to check to see if the No Drinking Under 21 rule is correct?

    Here is the conundrum.  They are both the same question!  Why is one so much easier to answer than the other?

  2. Studies show that people with brain damage affecting the limbic (emotional) center of their brains have extreme trouble making the simplest decisions. Example: When deciding which aisle to walk through in a supermarket, they remain immobilized for quite a while, because there is no internal gauge telling them which decision would be 'emotionally' best for them. (Apparently, we make these microdecisions in a split second, even concerning the mundanest activities, but they are affected by our emotions.)

    So, question is, why don't these people just MOVE anyway.....why, if they have no emotions, do they ponder the decision so long (as if they care)?

    EDIT: The damage is such that they have no emotions at all.

  3. Why can't money buy happiness?

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