
Confusing question about blue balls and premature ejacualtion technique?

by  |  earlier

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yes, rfor the technique, it says to start and stop just before u ejaculate.....doesnt this cause blue balls but???

Im just curious, i know blue balls dont affect me, i havent done it for 3 months and i feel PERFECTLY fine





  1. whoa dude

    wtf are blue balls?





    - Rianna™

  2. You are beginning to wear me down. If it does not affect you then you sure are fascinated with said color balls. Stop and go should not affect this it is kegels for men and is supposed to strengthen your muscles. I have also included a Pc muscle excercise that really works, as I have been told. Stop with the obsession. Do you want to hear some bad news....

    PC muscles control the flow of s***n and urine, the firmness of your p***s during erection and the shooting power of your ejaculation. They are important, and if kept very strong, will see you into your golden years with a fantastical hard on. The great thing about Kegel exercises for men is that you can do them anywhere, anytime -- and nobody will know the difference.

    You will be able to better control your orgasms and ejaculations, and last for longer, plus you may get the added kudos of being able to hold up a wet towel with your erection if you practice these Kegel exercises for men.

    How do I know where my PC muscles are?

    The easiest way to find them is to stop your flow of urine next time you go to the bathroom. Another way to isolate them is to put your finger inside your a**s; when you contract the right muscles, your a**s will tighten. However you decide to find them, once they are found you need to practice feeling exactly where they are located -- it is easy to overcompensate for weak muscles by using the abdominals, buttocks or thighs. These must all stay relaxed when doing Kegel exercises for men.

    Now, on to the daily Kegel exercises for men.

    Note: These exercises are done hands-free. You do not “squeeze” anything with your hands as they are all done with your PC muscles.

    kegel session 1Exercise A

    Sets: 3

    Quickly clench and release repeatedly for 10 seconds.

    Take a 10-second break between sets.

    Exercise B

    Sets: 10

    Clench and release repeatedly for 5 seconds.

    Take a 5-second break between sets.

    Exercise C

    Sets: 3

    Tighten and hold your PC muscle for 30 seconds.

    Take a 30 second break between sets.

    That’s it for today, but repeat these Kegel exercises for men daily for one week.

    kegel session 2Exercise A

    Sets: 10

    Clench and hold your PC muscle for 5 seconds.

    Release and repeat.

    Exercise B

    Sets: 3

    Quickly clench and release your PC muscle 10 times.

    Exercise C

    Sets: 3

    Clench and release your PC muscle alternatively in long and short bursts for counts of 10.

    Exercise D

    Sets: 1

    Tighten your PC muscle and hold for as long as you can. Aim for 2 minutes.

    You can do the session 2 Kegel exercises for men for a week; however, feel free to progress if you feel you are strong enough. Remember that these are strengthening exercises, so start off slowly and build up, just like you would with any other muscle.

  3. The technique you mention is fine, but you should still ejaculate at some point after starting and stopping.

    Most men who have gone with out ejaculation for that lenght of time will have what is know as a "wet dream" in order words they will ejaculate during the period of sleep.  

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