
Confusing situation need help?

by Guest62274  |  earlier

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there is this guy i have a huge thing for and him and i have been talking on the phone everyday for about two months now, and we have hung out a few times and nothing has ever happened between us...well i also like his brother and would see him occasionally as he was a customer at my place of work,..well he called me and left me a voicemail today to call him and i had never given him my number so i was unsure as to how he got i called him back and one of the girls at work gave it to him cause he asked for it...i have plans tomorrow to hang out with the one i really like and talk to all the time but there is a part of me that is drawn to the brother and i am more confused now then ever epsecially after he made contact with me now...should i just forget about him and stick with the one i know well and have fun with or should i try and hang out with the other one?




  1. wtf??  

  2. Yeah - that is confusing, only you will really be able to answer that (you know both of them a whole lot better than I do) but consider that you have been getting to know the first guy for a lot longer and your interest in his brother might just be because of the fact that he is newly around (and lets face it - it's always nice to be noticed). It might not signify that he is the better bet.

    If you have a lot in common with Guy #1 then it would seem strange to just switch affections like that when you have spent so much time getting to know him, but the other question is - is it actually going anywhere with him? Maybe you need to get a definite answer on this and that way there would be no confusion: one of them would be your romantic interest, and the other could just be your friend.

    Of course, getting that definite answer is a lot easier said than done and it depends on how confident you are in yourself but if you can say "Hey guy - are we going places or what?" (maybe not in those exact words) then at least you will have a certainty, and what ever happens you can move on from there.

    NOTE: As I said above - you know all the people involved and I don't; I've no idea what kind of people they are and how they will react to things. You will have to decide what is the best way to apply this advice (or just throw it out of the window)

    Hope it all comes good in the end

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