
Confusion on using toothpaste when fasting?

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is it allowed or not some people are saying different things then others?




  1. no its not allow

    u can only use wooden brush

    called     "miswak"

  2. Another stupidest conversation about complicating the religion!

    As long as you do not consider swallowing anything that you rinse your mouth with makes no sense to asking about it!

    It's  YOU who needs to think about it and not listen to all these people who say YES and then hmm  NO and then........Maybe.......cas NONE of these people are sure PLUS your question has been twofold since I remember myself on my elementary class and STILL NONE , see NO ONE managed to give the proper answer whether YES or NO!

    Just think about it, it is obvious that fasting excludes eating, drinking etc... how can you rinse your mouth and at the same time let any bid of liquid it go through your throat or whatever...can't you even control that LITTLE thing?

    Oh Bismillah!

  3. Oh so poor hygiene is good now?

  4. allowed, don't swallow it.

    lolz- I just saw the answer above me.

    Yeah brush your teeth before fajr with toothpaste then use the siwak on salah times. That is what I do and it works.

  5. its not allowed...use it at suhoor


    Ali M

    i said brush your teeth before suhoor ends.....stupid!

  6. cool dude... plz email me bcz im confused abt it too!!!

    let me knw abt ur decision. plz so i can have an idea of what to do!

  7. Yes it is allowed.

  8. No need to get confused brushing with tooth paste is ok but don't swallow it

    Trust us

  9. Goodness gracious to the br who said u swallow some toothpast so use a miswak, Dont u think u get some tiny wood particles down yor throat as well?   of course u do, there is No harm in making wudu rinsing your mouth, so of course its natural that u will 'accidentally' swallow a bit of water or toothpaste or wood or whatever,....stop making the religion so hard when its quite simply not meant to be....Allah knows best

  10. i agree 100% with Adam. Allah will forgive you ESPECIALLY when it's on accident. Dont worry!

    Ramadan Kareem

  11. Cleaning teeth with toothpaste whilst fasting - opinion seems to be divided on this. Some say it is permissible as you are not intending to eat or drink. But this is quite  absurd (If only they understand the mechanism of swallowing) I don’t know how they’ve permitted the use of toothpaste whilst fasting. No matter how hard you try to avoid toothpaste to be swallowed there is always that feeling of mintness that will go down your throat and into your stomach, therefore due to natural swallowing mechanism - the toothpaste is still swallowed along with saliva.

    So the best ways to avoid this dilemma is to make sure you clean you teeth before the fast begins at Fajr. Also, one can also use the Miswaak while fasting, this twig has antiseptic qualities that has been traditionally used for cleaning teeth since the Prophet’s (Pbuh) times.

    All those who disagree and say it is permissible, then I tell you, if this was permissible, then women tasting food while fasting to check the salt is no different than brushing teeth with toothpaste and not swallowing. Some women I know strictly refrain from tasting food (salt) while fasting, but have no problem brushing their teeth with toothpaste while fasting. How is that any different? Same can be said about chewing gum?

    So people, make sure you brush your teeth before Suhoor ends- as you’re just invalidating your fast otherwise.  

  12. The consensus is exactly what you wrote (ok maybe its not an even 50-50...but you can find a scholar to support whichever opinion you want to hear)

    My view is that drinking water breaks your fast, but wudu doesn't.....and of course the intention isn't to drink any water, but you may accidentally swallow some and most likely you do.  

    Same with toothpaste.

  13. Salaam Alaikum. Please read below.

    In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

    All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

    Dear questioner, may Allah reward you abundantly for your interest in knowing the teachings of your religion. May He accept our fasts and righteous deeds, and grant all of us forgiveness by the end of Ramadan.

    First of all, it is to be noted that eating is different from tasting. It is not necessary for anyone to swallow something in order to taste it. It is the front part of the tongue that tastes.

    Therefore, it is permissible for a fasting person to taste the food, if necessary, and his fast is still valid so long as he does not deliberately swallow anything of it.

    In his well-known book, Fiqh As-Sunnah, the late Azharite scholar Sheikh Sayyed Sabiq states the following:

        Ibn 'Abbas ruling is that: 'There is no problem with tasting liquid food or something you wish to purchase.

    Elaborating on the issue of tasting food while fasting, Sheikh M. S. Al-Munajjid, a prominent Saudi Muslim lecturer and author, adds:

        There is nothing wrong with a fasting person tasting the food if he needs to, as long as he tastes it with the tip of the tongue and then spits it out without swallowing anything.

        But if the fasting person forgets and swallows it by mistake, there is no sin on him, and he should complete the fast. This is because the general rule of Shari`ah is that the person who forgets is excused. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever forgets that he is fasting and eats or drinks something, let him complete his fast, for it is Allah Who has fed him and given him to drink.” (Reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

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