
Confusion - symptom of anxiety?

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Hello, it's me with another question about my anxiety, etc.

Past week I get episodes where I feel very confused and I ask myself, "am I really here? Is this real? How did I get here? What am I doing?"... I get this especially when i'm out walking, and even driving, etc. But it never lasts longer than about 5 seconds all in all. Have you experienced this with your anxiety?




  1. It is not necessarily an aspect of anxiety, in my experience. It is not bad to think about those things-- they are an aspect of meditation in many respects and broaden the mind. When you ask yourself those questions, don't be scared, think about them!  

  2. On an occasion, and misplacing things, also annoying, and spend a lot of time looking for things.

  3. The symptoms plus the anxiety you mention can be symptoms of clinical depression. Please see your doctor and be tested for this...they have cognitive tests, etc...if it is clinical depression, they have to treat the whole thing not just one or two areas of it. And you need to speak to a professional about helps just to talk and express yourself face to face with someone who can help you to understand all this. Depression sneaks up on people and we never see it please talk to your doctor and be recommended to a professional to talk to...IMPORTANT - when I was in depression, I did not want to reach out for help and only did so because it was interfering with my please force yourself to seek help...this can be dealt with and overcome.

  4. Were you medically diagnosed with anxiety? these thoughts are normal. lots of people i kno think the same thing, just deals with the philosophy of life and the reason were all here. i have anxiety and think this, but im more in depth with these thoughts and its bad for me to think this way due to my schizo-affective disorder. talk to a councelor and see if she would suggest seeing a doctor to get your medication changed around

  5. Yes it goes with anxiety, and is equally present in depression.  It can lead to something dangerous, so these people should get chemically balanced.

    First, you feel as if you're watching your own life on TV, or part of a video game.

    Then you start asking yourself "What if I swerved off the road, would the car REALLY go off the road, or am I just imagining this?"  Or likewise, can I REALLY hit that tree, or is it just fake?

    Then, there are thoughts that we are someone else, or that a friend or life partner is somebody else, maybe our father or mother etc.

    It is mostly depression, and stress, and should be corrected or controlled with a visit to a qualified practitioner and an anti-depressant that restores chemical balance to the body.


  7. I have experienced this type of anxiety. Do not let anxiety take over your life, right now I am experiencing the same thing. Sometimes you need to just get away from all of the stress. Go outside, take a walk, write in your journal and write down your purpose, or what you think you are here for.

    Example: I am lost and I do not know what I have to do.

    Your Entry Could be: I am here because God has placed me here to do great things and has brought me here to learn more about myself and to experience the world's gift.

    If this continues you should really speak to your doctor.

    Hope I helped

  8. I'm diagnosed with social anxiety but I can't say I've experienced this.

    Sorry, must have missed your previous entries. What type of anxiety are you experiencing?

    I think you should see a therapist of some kind. Having those types of thoughts when you're driving doesn't sound good if I'm honest.

    Good luck to you! I know how frustrating it can get...

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