
Congo african greys,is it true that they like the oppsite gender?

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i read online that african greys sometimes like the oppisite s*x or a male and im gettting a male congo african grey because they have better vocabularies.and i will be the only owner of this bird.what if my bird only like girls?will it ever like me?should i get a female?(wich i do not want to get)




  1. From my personal experience African Greys can be picky about who they like and who they dislike. It's a matter of personality, to be honest. From what I've seen with the birds at my work they are sometimes more drawn to the opposite gender, yes. If you're the only care taker I really wouldn't worry about it though; give your Grey the love and devotion he needs and I'm sure he'll shower you with all of his affections. :3

  2. I have had a Congo male , and I hand fed him from a chick. He is now 11 yrs old and loves my Hubby and hates me. So I don't think males prefer women. They are very intelligent and if you are the only one taking care of him, he will probably love you. So get a male, there is always the chance for a female to get egg bound and die on you. If you do get a female get her fixed so she will not lay eggs. But the males do talk a lot. And have the intelligence of a four to five year old human child. And they know what they are saying. His name  is  Frances, he once bit my hubby accidentally and said oops sorry. When he bites me I don't get no apology . : (

  3. Hi,

    yeah in my experience it normally happens but breeders don't s*x their birds so you wouldn't be able to pick out a female or male its just pot luck what you get.

  4. Those are myths. Each bird has its own preferences, gender-wise, and some birds are happy with everyone.

    Moreover, both males and females can have large vocabularies.

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