
Congrats Yapoo, your stock is down 15%+ today, happy chinga su Mayo?

by  |  earlier

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What a great company Yahoo is, wonder why their stock isn't worth the paper it's printed on.. Hmmm. Perhaps it's their wonderfull customer service, or could it be their minimal down time and glitch-free system?




  1. That was a splendid move of MS see the stock tumble, the Yahoo stock holders will put the pressure on and MS get Yahoo for less.

  2. YHOO should have definitely sold at the deal price MSFT offered.  The downfall begins!

    I just hope I dont have to get a new email adress after my ceases to exist.... its such a pain to make a new email account.

  3. I am wondering if Microsoft's takeover bid offer will drop down to $13.57.

  4. Ha ha ha ha ha

    No Thanks to Microsoft for withdrawing their bid....

  5. Wow! I thought Yahoo were really onto something with their policy of uncaring arrogance and alienating all their users.

  6. jerry yang is silly to be so arrogant. i reckon microsoft could have genuinely challanged if not beat google. but looks like google is about to conquer the world even more.

  7. Ach, if it isn't Mr. hand-biter... there but for the grace of Y! go I.

  8. Hold the pickle..hold the mayo....

  9. Well your right about their glitch free systems and the best customer service only but i think you got mixed up with the Hilton hotel' this is yapoo inc.. 50 percent and declining lol

  10. I am crying.................with joy!

  11. Soon to be known as

    Yahoo fought the law and the law won.

  12. the fact they fired majority of employees...not helpful either...

  13. Perfect timing, I think. They might just buy into the crazy proposal I sent them...really, I have been allowed in (into the lobby, anyway).

  14. From now on

    Until I'm gone

    Poems will be short.

    Okay, sport?

    Will this help?

  15. As from now, my answers will be 15% shorter.

    Hope this h

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