
Congrats to the Wings. You can do it! Win lord stanley. What was Detroits worst play in these semi-finals?

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The Only horrible play I have seen by the red wings (and Ive watched almost all the playoffs with all of the semi games) was when they had a 3 men advantage. Red wings had a 2 man PP and an empty net and they could not score. They did not have a lot of time, but it was so funny to see them not score. I think not scoring on a 2 men is bad, but not scoring on a 3 men is just abysmal. Who though the reds really should of scored? (not teasing)

anyways I hope the reds beat the pens




  1. The worst play {(not by Detroit) Mc Creary is anti- Detroit)} of the semi's came when the ref's disallowed the 1st goal in game 4, (Homer in the crease, I think not) so the NHL could keep making TV money and give Dallas half a chance. Obviously the Stars needed more that just that goal called back.  Nice start at home in game 6 Dallas.  Maybe they would be more competitive if Jerry Jones bought the team.

  2. Penguins Bias, Not only are you slow in having the Red Wings score a goal a game for the first four, you have a 1-1 tie for game 2! You have got to be the non-smartest person i know.

    As for the question, i would agree with bleacherbrat above me and say when they disallowed Datsyuk's goal because of Holmstroms' butt over the creases plane!!!!

  3. Pens bias - you really think the pens will get 30 shots against Detroit? Surely you can't be serious. Detroit holds most teams to roughly 20 shots a game and that's not likely to change. More than likely, it will be Pittsburgh that's facing 30-45 shots a game.

    As for your little comparison.. Even though I don't agree with all of them, I will give you that the pens have great individual talent. That does not mean they make a better team (example: Yankees). Detroit plays as a unit.

    Also, what gives you the idea that Conklin is going to start? MAF has been outstanding. So unless he gets lit up in the first 2 games, Conklin is not likely to see the ice except during warm ups.

    My pick is Detroit, but it should be a h**l of a series regardless.

    mrt - I don't think those are scores for the game.. they are the scores for the series

  4. Penguins > Redwings

    Crosby > Lidstrom

    Gonchar > Dastyuk

    Hossa > Holmstrom

    Malkin > Zetterberg

    and most importantly

    CONKLIN > Osgood (never mind fleury CONKS is better!)

    Sure Osgood looks great when he faces 15 shots a game, and he should since he is an NHL goalie wait til he sees 30 shots and gives up 4-5 goals...

    Pens win in 6 games

    Game 1 Det 1-0

    Game 2 Pens 1-1

    Game 3 Pens 2-1

    Game 4 Pens 3-1

    Game 5 Det 3-2

    Game 6 Pens 4-2

    Mark it down.

  5. the worst play was when Holstorms BUT was in the crease,,,

    Go WINGS!

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