
Congratulations! You've been made dictator of the World! What do you change?

by Guest60540  |  earlier

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You can change absolutely anything anywhere in the world and the people will obey. Here's my ideas.

Football becomes Soccer in America.

America goes Metric.

(Why must we go against the grain here in those 2 things)

Anyone convicted of driving drunk twice must give their car away to a poor family and the drunk driver may NEVER drive again!

Murderers,rapist,drug dealers,child molesters are executed the first conviction.

Thieves,and other lower level criminals now get there own cells in prison so that violence in prisons (that are now so much less crowded with the executions) is almost not heard of.

With only the "lesser" criminals in jail,we can now focuse our time and money on truly reforming them.

All politicians must completely tell where they make all of their money,especially showing their investments. Anytime they go on a vacation,they must tell EXACTLY who paid for it.

Anyone who has a husband or wife or only supporter in a war cannot be foreclosed on.




  1. global warming


  3. I would vote for you to be dictator! I definitely agree with everything you wrote.

    I would make all weapons illegal and destroy them all

    With all the money saved by your rulings we could help the poor and homeless.

    All our elderly would not have to pay any utility bills.

    Teenagers would have somewhere to go rather than hanging on street corners.

    I have such a long list you would get tired of reading it

  4. No religion, superstition, or tribalism.

    No sexism, racism, ageism, or homophobia.

    Real, unfiltered, untiered broadband for the whole world.

    No internet censorship or monitoring.

    Universal, single-payer health care.

    Full marriage rights for any number of adults of any type.

    Most drugs are legal for adults.

    Every person contributes two years of public service (military, public works, charity, etc.) before age 25.

    No organization may pay its highest-paid employee more than 100 times what the lowest-paid employee makes.

    Victimless crimes are no longer crimes.

    No movie sequels.

    Alice Cooper gets inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

    All schools teach real science so that any eight-year-old would be able to explain why Deepak Chopra and Ben Stein are completely nuts.

    All airplane seats are big enough for actual human adults.

    Cinema screens are freaking enormous, like they're supposed to be.

    No televisions allowed in public places other than sports bars.

    No television commercials at all.

    Everyone drives cheap, well-built, comfy, stylish hydrogen-powered cars.

  5. Everyone speaks fluent English!

    No more mis-understood KFC orders!

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