
Congratulations to Casey Stoner and Ducati but.....?

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What did you think of todays MotoGP race? Capirex, De Puniet and Elias done well - but couldnt help feeling sorry for Guintoli :( A Dunlop on the podium would have been great!!

First 10-12 laps were exciting until they all had to come in for slicks. Would rather have an all wet or all dry race.

Didnt see 125 or 250's, but glad to see Pasini win and the 250 championship is not over yet!!




  1. It's a shame there are fewer personalities in bike racing now, they are becoming like F1 drivers who are company driven clean cut promotional and money orientated clones.

    Max Baiggi and Rossi were a couple of rebels to start with and changed over the years, you could see it happening to them, one of the last who didn't was Foggy although even he is the 'company business man' now.

    The sport is entertaining but has lost me over the years, i used to watch everything from all the GP's to British and World Superbikes but would struggle to name 5 current riders at any level.

  2. my favorite rider before the Doctor is.... KEVIN SCWANTZ!!

    he's one of the best riders of all time. and so what if he was behind mick doohan most of the time?? lol!!

    but a big CONGRATULATIONS to casey stoner. ducati is superb this season and they have the most monsterous and consistent bike, too. i wish rossi will switch to ducati next. lol!!

  3. I missed it, darn it all.....


  4. Wow a girl that love bike racing ,will you marry

  5. Hey Cheryl,

    I loved it too, and like you would have loved to see Dunlop get a well deserved podium - hopefully the tyre rules won't change and they get a chance to keep competing next season.

    It certanly made it a more tense and tactical race with a pitstop thrown into the occasion!

  6. Yes it would of reli been nice to see a Dunlop on the podium!! but still 4th is a good finsh i guess!!

    yeah Stoner has had it perfect this year!! like the Ducati invasion on the podium!! funny!!

    Same the championship is over would off been nice 2 see it run to the end like last year!! was on the edge of my seat!!!

  7. It was a great days (mornings) racing.

    The only low points I think were:

    The championship did not go down to the wire.

    Dunlop not making the podium.

    Not enough top level wildcards at the sharp end.

    Other then that it was great. Brilliant news for KTM in the 250's aswell.

    Roll on Australia, Roll on 2008 !

  8. well after watchin the races with my head well down. I think it was bad tactics from Rossi's crew. they should have seen the other lap times and got him on slicks sooner. though the front end problem would still have cancelled it out. my hat goes off to you die hards that saw it live. I need more practice.        Philip Island   -    Bring it on.....     slowly

  9. Hear! Hear! he deserved it. Motorcyle racers are the salt of the earth. Ex racer LOL.

  10. There race was great indeed but it really is a pity for Guintoli. He is getting better with every single race! I hope we see more of him in the next season.

    Poor Dani and Rossi... they had the worst luck! Rossi was doing so good and because of his bike (crew) he had to finish 13th.... And Pedrosa didn't even had the chance to change his tyres!

    As for Stoner... I still say that he deserved to win the title but I think that this wasn't the right way... Come on... He could have done better. Make it more fun to watch!

    I fell asleep for the 125cc and for the 250cc so I can't say much about them. Although I do find it strange that Lorenzo did so bad and in the end he wasn't ever worried....

    Honestly, I can't wait for 2008! :)

  11. we need a couple of rebels in it as you say alphacenuri cheryl made a good point about tyres felt sorry for pedrosa as well and hayden roll on 2008 you like the pitstops as well dingo

  12. I was not going to respond but Alphacenturi remark has to be challenged. He says on one hand that there are no personalitites in the sport and that it is going like F1 (Pedrosa is a good example of this) but then he says that he would struggle to name 5 riders in any of the classes. Something does not gel - if you have not followed it enough to get to know any of the riders names then how can you say that there are no characters?

    I am first to admit that Dani and to a lesser extent Casey could do with a bit of a kick up the **** when it comes to charisma but Valentino Rossi, Colin Edwards, Loris Capirossi, John Hopkins and the likes in Moto GP are certainly not dull - Lorenzo is an irritating little git but you could not say that he was shy and retiring, Bautista oozes character from every pore, parctically all the 125 riders are nutters and in WSBK you have Haga, Biaggi, Bayliss et al and again I think any one of them would be great company for a night out !! So sorry star man I can't see where you are coming from and if you are looking through rose tinted glasses at the past (as I some times do as well) then remember in the days of Gardner, Schwantz et al there were only a handful of them at any one time who lit the paddock up. As for Fogarty well he was and still is just a loud mouthed git who never truly cut it right at the very top.

    Rant over - to answer your question - I thought the race was actually good and am very pleased for Loris. I own 2 Ducatis myself and love the brand but do feel that they have treated him very poorly and was pleased to see him show them what a top bloke they have treated poorly.  I don't feel bad for Sylvain too much - he is a top bloke and he will get his chance, sure the podium would be nice but 4th is still one h**l of a result - excellent to see.

  13. Was really glad that Loris showed them all the way home and think that Casey deserves the title and yes it would have been great to see Guintoli on the podium as he is improving in each race and hopefully he will make the podium soon.What about the BSB results,bad day for HM Plant honda,s.

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