
Congratulations to England...?

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Well done on your deserved victory over France....

From a Welshman who thought you wouldn't do it.




  1. And heres to from a Welsh Womann....Well Done.

  2. Thanks, it's your tournament for the taking now.

  3. thank you, sorry we are goa win competition tho, nothing personal

  4. From an Irish gal, cheers for beating them=)

  5. That was a shock, and they played two halves this time.......WTF happened to France????

    Was pleased for Wiggleworth though, how chuffed was he?

    This game did remind me of the England v Wales game, to those who thought Wales would have got thumped.........F U

    and the same to those who said England did not stand a chance against France........ditto!

    BTW England..............Thanks;-)

  6. A fine win and to compliment it...the Scots are the wooden spooners again!!!

    Has anyone noticed the absence of crowing celts from north of the border?

    Whenever they win some minor game, we hear nothing else for weeks on end and childish rants against the English...Where are they now???

  7. It was a good score for us. :)

  8. wooohhhooooooo

  9. The best joke you've told!!

  10. thats good at least we can will it now from an irish fan

  11. Well played england..marvelous win out there...

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