
Congratulations to the Pens?

by Guest61009  |  earlier

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You earned this win and while i'm sad my Flyers lost

its all good for the game

to the true Pens fans i wish you luck

to the Bandwagon fans stay on the wagon it is worth it in the end.... dont back off if they lose instead be a true fan and look forward to next year

and thank you Flyers for a great and entertaining year

you have played well and the future look's bright in my eyes




  1. Thanks. Good to see someone whos a good sport. Congrats to you and your favorite team as well. The Flyers fought hard and its great that they made it so far after being a lower seed. Should only continue to get better for both teams in the coming years!

  2. thank you...lets get the cup back to the east...

  3. The Pens will win the cup!

    Go Pens!

  4. Congrats to the Flyers for playing hard and showing class....hope to see you guys again next year.

    The Flyers run was impressive, what with facing seeds 3, 1, and now 2... Biron's a beast. =)

  5. A class posting from a class Flyer fan. I thought the game would be closer, but there's  no explaning a game of such emotion. I'm glad the Pens didn't have to visit Philly again this season, your guys make it too scary. Great season for the Flyers and many more to come. Pens Vs Flyers is always a great event. Thanx for the thought.

  6. Yes congrats to the Pens. Also congrats to the Flyers on a great season.

  7. Thanks...glad to see some Philly fans still have class...

  8. Thank you Shock, the flyers were a difficult opponent.  I am sure they will be strong next year.

  9. Same here.  Good luck in the Cup Pens.  Also Shock is right about the fans, true Pens fans you know who you are enjoy it and to the bandwagon fans enjoy the ride and hey the Pens are gonna be good for a while so you might as well stick around.  

    Flyers had a great season and I know our future looks good, so while I'm disappointed I know there is always next year.

    Joe B - LMAO...little black disc!!!

    gldmj5 - I don't want to rain on your parade but let them win the Cup first before we start talking dynasty.

  10. the Flyers were really good to come this far. maybe next season they could win the championship. you are a pretty decent fan! : ] kudos for you

  11. Philly gave us a run all year..

    but better luck next year, philly =P

  12. haha, thanks for not be bitter, they flyers had a good run though! good luck to them next season

  13. Nope.The NHL and Bettman wanted the Pens in the Finals so they snuck some money down between each period to the refs.I'll post a link to my answer when I write it some place else..

    Congrats Pens and real Pens fans.Bandwagon fans..The puck is the little black disc they play with on the ice.

  14. sportsmanship and class all in one post. I LOVE IT, Flyer's did great, great season, great playoff series! I'm not a Pen's fan or really a band wagoner, well maybe, I might start to like them a little more than before, but I know that I'm a hockey fan so I can appreciate this post(question or not!)

  15. so who are you going for to win sc this year?

    congrats to both teams

    and lol joe, only soccer refs are easily bought off. it's common knowledge.

    if it makes you feel any better shawk...i'm a leafs fan. go on it's okay. both pennsylvania hockey teams are great.

  16. Good post and classy.  There may be some bandwagoners, but not as many as you think.  I have been a fan for over 20 years and I will always love my Pens.  Good job, Philly, but you got whooped.

  17. what's the question?

    add: seriously man! this isn't a question! you should've added 1 in at the last second!

    add: haha I have a thumbs down fan club but seriously guys, there is no question!

  18. Awesome sportsmanship. Good luck next year!

  19. If the Pens can keep Crosby, Malkin, Fleury, and Staal together (and I think they will, goodbye and thank you Hossa), this isn't a one year winning streak. We are witnessing a budding dynasty. Even your guys realize it:

    “This series feels a little like the 1992 Eagles’ playoff loss to the Dallas Cowboys. You knew going in that the division rivals were young and talented. It wasn’t until Dallas blew the Eagles away that you realized just how good they’d become and how fast. That Dallas team went on to win three Super Bowls.”

    --Phil Sheridan of The Philadelphia Inquirer

    New York realized it as well:

    “The Rangers have no chance to capture more than perhaps one game against Pittsburgh, which, has, under cover of mid-Pennsylvania darkness, somehow become the Edmonton Oilers of the 1980s.”

    --Filip Bondy of he New York Daily News

    Anyways, thank you for being a good sport.

  20. Hey, don't be sad!  Be happy that they at least made it this far.  Good Luck to the Flyers next season!

  21. thank you. that is very classy of you.

  22. Aw, why thanks. I wish you and your Flyers luck next season as well. I hope Coburn heals 100% here soon too.

    Thank You for not being a rude Flyer fan that says the Penguins only won because of the refs. :)

  23. Shock and Awe I must say I am very impressed with your post. Most fans wouldn't offer congrats to their most hated rivals.

    The Flyers made great strides from where they finished last year.

    I am a true Pens fan. I have been a die hard Pens fan for 20+years since I was a little kid. I split season tix with a few guys i work with. I never miss a game.

    I was very impressed that the Flyers didn't take any cheap shots and our star players once the game was out of reach. I mean they aren't known as the broad street bullies for nothing.


  24. Same here philladelphia is my 2nd favourite team and good luck to pittsburgh

  25. Thanks for the congrats and wishes of luck, and thanks for being classy. The series was great and the rivalry, which is stronger than it has been in awhile, made it all the more enjoyable. I look forward to when our teams meet again next season.

  26. We fought hard.

    We went from being last place last year, to beating Ovie's team, beating the #1 ranked team, and making it to the Eastern Conference Finals.

    I think we did alright :)

    Congratulations to the Pens, even if I still hope either Dallas or Detroit kicks your butt and sends you home empty handed :)


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