
Congress supports proposal to hold referendums Catalan

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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Institutional normality remains regarding steps that nationalists in their attempt to give it a referendum held in Catalonia about his separation from Spain. The General Committee has given its approval to the bill of the Catalan Parliament for the State delegated to the Government of the Generalitat has power to hold an inquiry as contemplated by Article 150. 2 of the Constitution. Initiatives from the autonomous parliaments a periodicity of once a month so if there is five remain outstanding are discussed, this is not until June or perhaps would face in September. "It's clearly too late, let's hope it holds before," said the representative of ICV, Joan Coscubiela.

In case the time can not be clarified, the parliamentary groups of CiU, ERC and ICV, will prepare a bill identical to that approved by the Catalan Parliament so that a vote before that regional initiative text. Thanks to the initiative CiU quota could be seen soon, probably in March.

Meanwhile, the proposal approved today by the General Committee that " ticks all the boxes," said the president of the Baja, Jesus Posada Camera from a parliamentary perspective, the Government will now have a month to verify that also meets I own. In this case it is proposed that does not involve autonomic "increased or decreased appropriations budget revenues." If everything is correct, the Government shall notify the Congress for inclusion as agenda item concerned.

The result is already known in advance because the positions are marked to Fire: 85 % of Members of Congress vote against the initiative. Will the members of the PP, PSOE, UPyD two Members of the Working Group. Within the Socialist Group of MEPs no desertion PSC is expected

 Tags: Catalan, Congress, hold, proposal, referendums, supports


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