
Congressman And the Draft

by Guest59804  |  earlier

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Charlie Rangel Democrat pushed for draft in 2003 and 2005 will he try again since the Democrats took over the house a Senate and Obama is president




  1. Probably but not sure why when the quotas for each service ar being met and in some cases surpassed!

  2. Draft is a real bad idea, enough of my friends and family died in Viet Nam that we got Nixon to order the military to go to all voluntary enlistees. It worked and us old farts will tear Congressman Rangel's head off and defecate down his throat before we let him bring back the draft.

  3. Do you think it would be a good idea to contact the Congressman's office and ask him?  Speculation is not a good idea when you can go to the source, or is the reason for the question just a need for validation and attention?

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