
Conjoined twins..?

by  |  earlier

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I have a big big question about conjoined babies

Everyone I have seen the baby's happened to be the same gender. Why is it that their the same gender?




  1. Because they are identical ?

    You will find its because they share the same placenta it would be very rare for fraternal twins to be conjoined because they have separate sacs

  2. This is because conjoined twins are the result of one egg and one sperm  that share a sac or in other words identical twins. They become conjoined when the the babies develop but do not completely separate. Fraternal twins are two eggs and two sperms that each develope their own sacs.

  3. Only identical twins can be conjoined because they are the result of one egg dividing into 2 and as that happen it does not divide properly and the babies become conjoined (very simplistic explanation but far more complicted than this).

  4. the reason is because when you have conjoined twins they were at one time one egg , and if they were both to fully dovelope compleely healthy they would be identicle. identicle twins start from one egg that splits up , making the genetics exactly the same . so you cant have one a boy and one a girl. and ferternal twins are two different eggs that grow completely seperate , and were never one egg. so if you have that one egg thats doveloping , and it just never splits all the way , you have conjoined twins (: i hope i helpeedd (:

  5. 'sigh'

    why does know one listen in biology anymore?

    when the embryo spilts to create identical twins it partly rejoins again. very little is understood about this process , but the product is conjoined twins.
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