
Connect LCD monitor with computer via HDMI.?

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i need to buy a monitor, so i was thinking that if i can use a LCD TV as monitor, would be great, so i want to that connect LDC TV with computer via HDMI how will be the clarity? i am an architect, so work on CAD and max. will the TV clear as monitor or? witch tv do u suggest?




  1. You might not like my answer, but I don't think a TV is a great choice for computer monitors.  The maximum resolution of any TV is 1920 x 1080 and some as low as 1280 x 720, while high quality 28" and 30" LCD monitors can go as high as 2560 x 1600.  They will run about the same price at that size:  ~$1K.

    Unless your screen will be > 6' in front of you, the only thing you'll end up accomplishing with a screen that size is moving your head from left-to-right more often.

    I talked a buddy of mine out of this same decision and he's happy I did.  He bought a 24" Samsung monitor (1920 x 1200) for $350 and loves it.  You might even want to consider dual-screening 2 x 22" or 2 x 24" for a MUCH bigger workspace (but more head movement :-) )

    Of course if you can also use your TV for more standard purposes, you might want to just get the TV.

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