
Connecting a printer to laptop via BThomehub?

by  |  earlier

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I have a printer connected to my desktop via usb but would like to connect it via my home network to laptop.

I have BT homehub

All help appreciated




  1. Hi,

    I assume that the printer does not have a network card?

    If not then the easiest way is to connect your laptop to the network and then share the printer on the pc.

    Here is how to do that :-


  2. I have 5 computers, two of which are connected directly to two independent printers and I had to go into   that particular room to print off. However, all my computers are now wifi and I wondered how to network so I could use one of the printers from any computer. I use Epson printers installed the software disc on all computers so the computers recognised the printer but then, best of all, because I have Windows LiveOneCare antivirus, they recognised it and set up the  printer network remotely for me. I didn't have to do a thing. It's absolutely marvellous. I can now print from any computer though of course the computer that is actually connected to the printer has to be on at the time. So what I'm really saying is, if you make use of Windows, it will do i8t for you.

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