
Connection problems with Battlefield 2. (PC)

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I just installed Battlefield 2 the other day. After playing singleplayer for awhile, I felt like having more of a challenge. So, I went to play online, but that is when the problems came in.

It won't let me play for more then 2-6 minutes at a time before I get connection issues, and finally get disconnected from the game all together. How can I resolve this issue?






  1. First:  Make sure you have the 1.41 patch

    Second: Download PBSetup and run it to manually update punkbuster.

    Third: Make sure your firewall isn't blocking Punkbuster traffic.

  2. Hey,

    Battlefield 2 is really n awesome game, but i guess you dont know EA that well =S

    Since there are 2 BF made after BF2, they will completely not care anymore bout BF2, i had that problem too, the solution was a patch - i could play it for like 2 days but then it started all over again... im sorry the only solution is to either sell it to some dumbass, or just buy the newest BF or even better - no more games from EA - they suck

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