
Connotations of different arabic accents(as in pronunciation, not dialect/vocabulary)

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Considering English spoken only by the natives or the people using it as second language, this is the most popular perception.

British (Received Pronunciation or Queen's english) = sophistication

American (Standard American) = best for chat, slang, abuse etc

Australian = wow cool kinda rough thug

Irish/Scottish = humourous

Indian = ridiculous, aaaargggggh cant's stand it

So how about Arabic? Assume every arab speaking fu97a (I assume arabs retain their accents even while speaking fu97a. Ain't I correct?). So, what connotations do the accents give?

What accent would *you* use in different situations, if need be, even for fun?

I'm an arabophile by the way.Ardent student actually.Can't get enough of arabic :D




  1. lol no I think most of us can use fu97a without an accent. I suck at fu97a but I can use it well when I actually make an effort ( which is almost never)

    I'm from Kuwait so I use our local accent which is perfect for slang and abuse. We have a wealth of insults in our accent :D

    Egyptian accent is the most humorous and used sparingly it's perfect for comedic effects lol

    Lebanese accent is the most sophisticated and people in my country (girls mostly) use it when they try to sound girlie or genteel ( they sound stupid imho). I use it mockingly sometimes

    North African accents (beside Egyptian) are really cool but incredibly hard to understand.

    Saudi accent is very... traditional I guess. reminds me of nomads and horse riders with falcons standing on their hands and stuff like that

    those are the most notable accents but really every country has it's own accent (not that I can tell the difference)



    Iraqi accent is very similar to ours. It kinda reminds me of the Italian accent in mob movies; they focus a lot on vowels and some letters when pronouncing.

    Saudi accent is the most rugged in my opinion, though I don't like their accent very much. gives you an air of traditionality. Also Syrian accent, not just pronouncian but also the way people talk, is very macho. The first thing that comes to my mind when I hear it is a butcher with long thick mustache (I'm sure I got the image from tv or something)

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