While the conservatives have gutted the welfare system for poor people-fulfilling a pledge to "end welfare as we know it"-no such top-down agenda has emerged for corporate welfare recipients. The savage demagoguery directed against imaginary "welfare queens" has never been matched with parallel denunciations of gluttonous corporate welfare kings-the DuPonts, General Motors and Bristol-Myers-Squibbs or Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac, Countrywide, and Bear-Stearns. Not to mention bailing out the airline industry 3 times in 3 decades.
The welfare law denies benefits even to legal immigrants in this country; corporate welfare, by contrast, is far more non-discriminating-Uncle Sam subsidizes foreign corporations as well as domestic businesses. Can you imagine the Congress deciding to extend the welfare for people program to cover poor Canadians? Maybe not, but the federal government provides millions of dollars in subsidies to Canadian mining companies every year.
Where is your outcry for this welfare system as you bash the supposed "welfare queens"? You scream about the tax and spend liberals, wanting to pay people for nothing, yet, you allow your hard earned tax dollars to bailout businesses that can't do their job right. What say you, oh, tax conscious conservatives? Do you want safe drinking water, driveable roads and a public transport system that actually works? How about public schools with roofs that don't leak? Or would you prefer to afford subsidies, bailouts, and tax loopholes for huge corporations that fail and drain the public purse that is supposed to be in place to promote our citizens welfare and well being?