
Consensual Statuatory rape: What do you think about this story?

by  |  earlier

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I'm just curious how the rest of the world feels about this story of a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. The boy is 19 and the girl is 15.




  1. Consensual statutory rape is an oxymoron.

    The essence of STATUTORY rape is that intent (to rape) is not required. Mere evidence that the "victim" was under the age of consent is all that is required. As a matter of fact, it is the premise of statutory (strict liability) laws that a minor is INCAPABLE of giving consent.

  2. its rape thats the law and i agree with it . i can say this if it was my daughter i would want to be put in the same cell with him and he would be crying like a wuss

  3. The story, and every time I hear one like it, I think why is there not any outcry when a 19 year old female has s*x with a 14 year old boy- no jail time is ever given, and the law usually refers to the boy, as a "lucky little b#####d" The law should provide the same time for the same crime, no matter which gender is which.

  4. The law is the law and it's there for a reason. A 14 year old has no business having s*x.  And a 19 year old is expected to respect the law.

    He got his just desserts.

    I didn't raise my kids to be that stupid so I don't have this problem.

  5. If she is old enough to bleed, then she's old enough to s***w. End of story.

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