
Consensual and non-consensual s*x in the animal kingdom?

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Are there any animal species that have both types of s*x? For those that have both types, which is more common?

Are there any animal species that only reproduce using one type?




  1. This is interesting.  The way a female hyena's reproductive system is designed, it is impossible for a male to penetrate without her consent.  Forget pepper spray!

    Most of the animal kingdom uses consensual s*x, but there are exceptions.  Garter snakes, for instance, form mating balls around females, who are a bit sluggish from hibernation.  Only one male gets to mate, but the female normally wants no part of it.

  2. Ducks are well known for both, mallard drakes have been known to drown hens while busy with their duck rape sessions.  In fact male ducks have bizzarly long and stangely shaped sexual organs to try to keep with the equally strange sexual organs pf the hens, thought to be driven by the whole duck rape phenomena.

    Even weirder is that they have also been observed engaging in homosexual nechrophilia, because ducks are sick.  Which is preffered is hard to know, as I'm not a duck but a chicken.

  3. Earthworms and several amphibians are Asexual.

  4. Female frogs will sometimes have 3 or 4 male suitors on her back at the same time. Certain snakes mate in a big writhing mass of bodies, similar to a group orgy

  5. Orang-utans are a good example. Around half of all orang-utan births are believed to be the result of rape. A female would prefer to mate with a dominant, adult male, but since the species is largely solitary, it's often a younger, subordinate male who finds her first when she comes into heat. She does not want to mate with him, but he is larger and stronger than she is and will force her.

    Bedbugs also have a form of rape. The male's p***s is sharp and pointed, and instead of mating normally with the female he will stab her anywhere on her body with it. The sperm then migrate through her bloodstream to her eggs. Males are also known to stab other males with their penises - their sperm then travel to the testes of the stabbed male, so that when he mates, he is actually injecting another male's sperm rather than his own!

  6. Both types of sexual intercourse are widely present in the animal kingdom. For example, dolphin males have been known to surround a lone female and rape her. Of course, there are many animals who need consent before copulation can occur. Spiders are a great example. Most male spiders must perform a mating dance to show the female that he is indeed a spider, and not her next lunch. She must be receptive of the male or else she'll attempt to kill him.

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