
Consequences of failing to appear for jury duty is BS?

by  |  earlier

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I know the possible consequences for not showing up to jury duty. I'm well aware that it's a civic duty and we should all suck it up and help our fellow citizens out.

However, I've talked to many people about the act of ignoring, missing, loosing, or not being in the area to receive a summons. These people all have their reasons, from genuine to irresponsibile. Yet, of all these people, not a single one of them has ever been fined, or smacked with a warrant for failing to appear.

I look at yahoo answers and every question about jury duty is almost always answered with threats that these consequences will definitely happen to anyone who doesn't appear in court.

What's the deal? I can't just happen to know tons of lucky people. Explain, someone, please.




  1. Contempt of court is the offense commited by someone who failed to appear for jury duty.

  2. Go to the court building and ask what the big deal is. Don't put your trust in some one in YA or even your friends. Hope this helps you.

  3. Really. I've known of people that have been fined. They missed it more than once though.

  4. Just pull a sickie.

    Great British Justice.

    Mugging of old ladies, 60 hours community.

    failing to pay council tax  9 months

    Stealing £150.000   15 years


    The jury duty scam is the newest type of identity theft scammers are using to get your personal information. This is a new twist on identity theft, and you should be aware of it so you can avoid becoming a new victim.

    With the jury duty scam, the scammer calls you claiming to work for the local court and tells you that you failed to report for jury duty. He then explains that a warrant has been issued for your arrest.

    When you explain that you never received the jury duty notification that sets up the perfect question for the identity theft scam. The scammer then asks you for identity verification wanting your social security number.

    Once that is provided the scammers go for even more information like birth date and sometimes credit card numbers just because there are some people that will give it out freely.

  5. They tell you this on the summons if you read it.

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