
Consequences of finding viable alternate bio fuel/air powered engines?

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Do you think the conspiracy theories, of people 'disapearing' after they have found or made significant advances in alternatives to oil/gas based fuels?




  1. The only people I know of that came up with "significant advances" who disappeared, disappeared after the government went after them for fraud, and they ran with their ill-gotten money.

    In the last 20 years, a lot of the possible alternatives have been explored, and they all have significant problems.  The people who devised/investigated these are still around.  Some of them are still promoting their ideas even to this day.

    It's actually very difficult to "cover up" any good ideas, because there are a lot more people than "that one guy" who come up with them.  That's how simple a subject automotive propulsion is.  If you have an idea, you can pretty much bet 100 people had it before you.  Most of the "new" ideas are actually just adaptations of power sources from other uses, or "old" ideas re-investigated.

  2. Idunno of anybody disappearing other than Stanley Meyers....some people say he was poisoned. But of course his water powered car was a fraud.

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