
Conservation and captive breeding?

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i am doing biology coursework and im really struggling i need to know the ethical, social, environmental and economic issues of captive breeding and conservation!!

please help! will chose a best answer!!!




  1. go to your city/state zoo they all alll that you will need

  2. acptive breeding eliminates natural selection.. that means that animals that would normaly not survive, now do. Their "weaker"/"less well fit for the environment at this time"- genes will be able to spread through the population. That can be very damaging for a wild population (if the captive bred animals are released) on the long run, possibly increase the rate at which they become extinct..

    and now get your *** on the internet (somewhere else then here, that is) and go find some more answers, they are everywhere, just do some googling!

    (oops, did I say googling? I meant

  3. captive breeding in fish stocks can be a benefit invasive species such as the round Gobi can clean out a spawning bed of eggs in a matter of minutes by fertilizing the eggs in a hatchery and raising the young fry to a size that they are not eaten and returning then to the natural waterways,we have a group of guys inn a fishing club that take the roe and sperm from wild pickerel{walleye} fertilize and raise in the holding tanks they say they get 200% better fertilization rate and survival rate than in the wild.The WHOOPING CRANE is another great success story and the PEREGRINE FALCON also the WILD TURKEY program in Ontario just to name a few.

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