
Conservation groups (Greenpeace) a waste of time?

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do you think conservation groups are a waste of time

for example is Greenpeace or IFEES a waste of time give me your opinion and why you think this




  1. Absolutely not my dear boy! I believe in the preservation and conservation of the natural world around us. It is a waste of time to try and convince many people that it is worth theirs. People today have lost sight of what is and should be real to us. The Earth is dying and they keep feeding her death with a spoon full of junk. If we all do our part, the small things, we can repair some, SOME, of the damage. Please tell others that this is not a waste.

  2. uhm no!

    wat i think of as a waste of time is someone

    thats works in an office all day

    we need to stop our destruction

    earth is all we have and

    everyone only has one life to change something

  3. What does greenpeace power their boats with?   Guess they don't mind burning tons of fossil fuels to further THEIR cause.

  4. Whose time are you talking about?  The people who join them probably don't think they're a waste of time or they wouldn't join.  The people who post on the internet about them are wasting their own time, so they wouldn't count.  I guess that makes the answer to your question "no".

  5. Greenpeace is not a conservation group, they are eco-terrorists and neo-Luddites.  They are much more than just a waste of time, they are evil.

  6. i dont think that they are a waste of time - i dont agree with the money they spend and the time constraints but there is no doubt that they have opened a few eyes to whats going on around the world

    a bit too hippyish for my liking though

  7. I totally understand what you're saying. When I see the massive scale of environmental destruction, I (sometimes) feel like they are pointless. However, every little bit counts, and we have to start some where. Perhaps these smaller organizations are just the beginning. Hopefully people will follow suit in the future and there will be a greater environmental awareness. All the little things combined *can* make a difference.

  8. I do not think they are a waste of time. However; I DO NOT hold with extremism. Greenpeace, as a whole, does not practice eco-terrorism to prove a point. Those that do, should be prosecuted as terrorists. It takes a long time to change a society's habits, it goes in increments. But humans as a whole, need to learn to live WITH the earth, as one part of the whole, rather than ON the earth, depleting the natural resources she provides for us, and polluting the very thing that sustains us and allows for our survival as a species. Climate change notwithstanding, we as a species, need to practice better stewardship of our unique home in the universe, otherwise we will find ourselves extinct.

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