
Conservation of our ecosystem?

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I am an SIS student in Sharjah U.A.E 9th grade (C.B.S.E) and i have a project regarding Conservation of our ecosystem.Can some one please help?




  1. A decline in biodiversity has been observed across most regions of South Australia, particularly in the agricultural areas where habitat destruction or modification has disrupted ecosystems and created a landscape of remnant ‘islands’ or fragmented patches of vegetation. These remnants, and the biodiversity they support, are under continuing threat and thus ongoing management and rehabilitation of habitats is necessary if further loss of biodiversity is to be avoided.

    Conserving our biodiversity is extremely important, not only in terms of its intrinsic values but because many of our economic activities are based on healthy and functioning natural systems. Any use of natural resources must be sustainable and the conservation and management of biodiversity is essential for the maintenance of natural systems.

    The establishment of a comprehensive, representative and well managed reserve system is an essential part of ecosystem conservation. The reserve system in South Australia already contains a wide range of many of our unique ecosystems, from the sandy and stony desert areas to mallee, coastal systems and off-shore islands. Here you will be introduced to the nature and extent of the areas currently protected under the State’s reserve system and learn about how they are being managed. South Australia has also led the nation in the introduction of initiatives to secure conservation and appreciation of wildlife outside the formal parks and reserves system. Over 600,000 ha of native vegetation on private land involving over 1,100 properties are protected by Heritage Agreement. Clearance of native vegetation is controlled by legislation. Approval for clearance is largely confined to scattered trees of low biodiversity value.

    Roadside vegetation can play a significant role in ecosystem conservation. A program run in the South East of South Australia, "The Roadside Vegetation Plan, South East" (100Kb PDF) assisted the local council and community with landscape scale ecological restoration by planning for future revegtation projects, and the management of remnant vegetation.

    In addition to the actions required to protect ecological communities directly, ongoing management and rehabilitation of habitats is often necessary if further loss of biodiversity is to be avoided. You can find out more about some of the management programs being undertaken in South Australia to conserve and restore ecosystems both on and off reserves.

    Such programs include the removal of threats, such as environmental weeds or grazing by domestic stock and feral animals, the eradication of introduced predators such as foxes and cats and, in some instances, the re-introduction of threatened species and the restoration of habitat through revegetation programs. Such management programs are crucial if we are to retain healthy and functioning ecosystems in the longer term.

  2. The two biggest threats to biodiversity on the planet these days are 1) human construction - sprawl housing, big box stores, etc. and 2) invasive species.  

    It might be interesting to write on one of these topics - I volunteer pulling invasive plants from parks in Canada, and most of them have escaped from people's gardens - many nurseries have no idea the harm they are doing by selling these plants.

    Your teacher might also appreciate a change from the ever popular (and important, but not most or second-most important) 'climate change' topics.

  3. Exporting waste and interested in considering alternatives for waste management and disposal that lower your costs and provide long-term price stability; or

    Facing exhaustion of your landfill capacity within ten years and the prospect of having to export waste; or

    Seeking to increase landfill revenues; or

    The owner of a publicly owned treatment works seeking to reduce sewage sludge disposal costs; or

    In need of small scale power generating facilities to meet energy needs or to support economic development and recycling

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